Chapter 3

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Mack's POV

 "Are you scared yet?" His voice sent chills down my spine, something that hasn't been done in a few years.

"No, because I know you are just a nightmare." I responded bravely making the mystery man chuckle as he continued to circle around me. I never could see his face, but only could make out a dark shirt of some sort.

"Am I just a nightmare? Or am I real?" He asked his mouth close to my ear.

"A nightmare." I said as if it was nothing. "My imagination."

"Do you really believe that, Mack?" He asked standing in front of me staying in the shadows.

"Uh, yeah." I said chuckling lightly.

"Your mother once said the same thing to me." He said and I saw his teeth shine from the shadows as he smirked laughing.

"What about her?" I asked needing more information about my mom.

"She went crazy." He said and then chuckled lowly.

"C-Crazy?" I asked not believing what he said.

"Yes, crazy. Did I stutter?" He growled his mood changing.

"N-No-" I started but he cut me off.

"Then don't repeat me." He growled and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Listen, whoever you are, I-" I started but was cut off as i was attacked to the ground. I let out a loud scream as he laughed pulling a shiny silver object out of his pocket.

"Why scream when nobody will here you?" he sneered making me scream louder as he laughed.

"Mack!" I jumped up screaming as Jai pinned me back down to the bed.

"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed crying and thrashing in Jai's arms.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay, it's just a dream." Jai soothed me trying to calm me down as he laid next to me his hands wrapped firmly around my wrists holding me down.

"H-He said i-it w-wasn't a d-dream." I sobbed and Jai nodded as if he understood.

"It was just a nightmare, okay? Nobody is gonna hurt you anymore." Jai soothed and I shook my head crying.

"No, no, no, no! I know it is real! It felt real!" I said and Jai rolled his eyes obviously not dealing with this situation very well.

"What if I stay with you for the rest of the night? Will that make it better?" Jai asked and I nodded.

Or it will make things worse...

"Okay." Jai sighed and got under my blankets as I watched him pull his sweatshirt over his head. He tossed it to the side and pulled his tight black shirt down before getting comfortable.

"J-Jai?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Yes, Mack." He said and I looked at the bed.

"I'm still scared." I mumbled and Jai chuckled as he moved closer towards me causing me to swallow nervously.

"It's okay." Jai whispered into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against his chest. I rested my head against his chest feeling safe in his arms. I closed my eyes and allowed my dreams to take over.

"Rule one," he whispered into my ear darkly, "always be ready for anything that can do to you." Jai then stepped back and smirked at me. "Never underestimate me." he growled and I nodded. 

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