Chapter 19

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Marie's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. 

I blinked my eyes open at the annoying noise. I looked around to see I was in a hospital room with tubes attached to my body, including a heart monitor. I saw Jai sleeping in one of the chairs in the room, his wrist handcuffed to the chair. 

"Jai!" I whisper yelled and Jai opened his eyes staring at me.

"Yeah?" he asked sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you handcuffed to the chair?" I asked and Jai smiled.

"The doctors wouldn't let me stay here because we aren't related so I handcuffed myself to the chair so they couldn't kick me out." Jai smiled and I laughed as he walked over to me dragging the chair with him.

"Jai! You can't just drag the chair around with you!" I laughed and Jai smiled sitting next to me as he grabbed my hand.

"Marie, I'm glad to see you are awake." I looked up to see a doctor smiling at me with two nurses at his side.

"Yeah, I'm happy to be awake." I smiled and he nodded to one of the nurses who ran off as he walked over towards me.

"We have something to tell you, Marie." He said and I nodded. "By the way, my name is Doctor Jim."

"Okay, what do you need to tell me?" I asked and Jai rubbed circles into the palm of my hand calming me down.

"I'll wait till Harriet comes back with your family." Doctor Jim said and I nodded smiling as I watched the nurse, Harriet, walk in with my family.

"Marie!" Mack cried running over to me.

"Careful!" Doctor Jim yelled as Mack hugged me kissing my cheek.

"Marie, oh my goodness, you are skinny." Mariah said as she wiped a tear from her cheek as she kissed my head. 

"If everybody would please quiet down, I have something I need to say." Doctor Jim said and I turned my head towards him waiting.

"Is everything okay?" Jai asked as he squeezed my hand nervously.

"Not exactly." Doctor Jim said and my heart fell. "We ran some tests on Marie, and, well, Marie has cancer."

The room was deadly quiet nobody speaking, nobody moving. I burst into tears my body shaking with sobs. I heard Mariah crying as I put my head into my hands trying to muffle my screams.

"NO!" I cried and shook my head the tears streaming down my face.

"It was actually a good thing you broke your arm, or else we would have never known you had cancer." Doctor Jim said and I looked up at Jai as he stared at the wall his face emotionless as he licked his lips.

"She doesn't have cancer." Jai said his voice calm and quiet scaring the crap out of me.

"Excuse me?" Doctor Jim asked and Jai ripped the cheap handcuffs off of the chair glaring at Doctor Jim.

"I said she doesn't have cancer." He said his voice louder.

"Well, the test said-"

"SHE DOESN'T HAVE CANCER AND SHE'S NOT GOING TO DIE! SHE'S NOT GOING TO DIE!" Jai screamed as he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him making me jump at the impact.

"I should go check on him." Luke said and he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

I watched the door waiting for Luke to return, hopefully with a calmed down Jai. The door opened and Luke stood in the door his nose bloody and bruised.

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