Chapter 14

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Mack's POV

"Shh, I can't hear anything." Christian hit my head as he leaned against the wall over me as we tried to listen to Mariah's and Luke's conversation.

"Ow!" I whispered and Christian chuckled lightly as he got quiet.

"Are you listening to us?" Christian fell on me as Mariah looked down at us with Luke at her side as she raised and eyebrow.

"No." Christian said as he laid on top of me making me feel uncomfortable.

"Then what are you two doing?" Luke asked amused as he waited for our answer.

"Uh, we were, uh..." I tried to think of something but Christian already had an answer.

"We were going to kiss." Christian said as Chase walked over to us.

"Ew, Christian, she's your older sister." Chase smirked and Christian blushed.

"He needed practice." I said shoving Christian off of me as we both stood up.

"Don't spy on us next time." Mariah said and I nodded as Chase laughed walking away.

"Kissing?" I turned to raise my eyebrows at Christian who blushed.

"Shut-up." He said and walked away quickly leaving me to laugh in the empty hallway. I heard the phone starting to ring and I walked into the living room grabbing one of the phones as I answered it.

"Hello." I said into the phone.

"Uh, hi. I was just wondering if Luke Brooks is over there?" My eyes widened at the voice.

"Beau?" I asked sitting down on the couch.

"Mack?" He said and let out a sigh.

"Yes, Beau, Luke is over here." I said and I heard Beau sigh in relief.

"Please tell him to come home when he can, it's an emergency." Beau said and i scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked Beau and I heard a scream in the background making my eyes go wide.

"We have a girl in here who having panic attacks and won't stop screaming and crying." Beau said and I felt my heart shatter as I heard the girl scream again.

"Beau, this is going to sound crazy." I said with a sigh and Beau chuckled slightly.

"Nothing is crazy after what I have seen." He said and I let out a short laugh.

"Can I go with Luke to try and calm the girl?" I asked and I heard nothing from Beau but the girls crys and screams.

"Are you sure you want to come back here?" Beau asked after a while.

"I'll do it to help the girl and maybe I can visit with some of the others." I said and Beau sighed.

"Fine, but you and Luke need to hurry." Beau said and I nodded as I hung up.

"LUKE WE HAVE TO GO IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" I screamed and I watched as Luke, Mariah, Chase, Sam, and Connor all ran into the living room.

"Why, what's wrong?" Connor asked me rushing to my side making me sigh and roll my eyes.

"Luke has to go home and I'm going with him. One of the girls there is having a panic attack and won't stop screaming and crying. I thought I would go and help and visit with some of the other girls." I said and Luke rubbed his face.

"Fine, but if anything happens to you, I'm killing him." Sam said and pointed at Luke.

"Hurry back." Connor sighed and I followed Luke outside to his car. I got into the passenger seat as Luke started to drive down the road as I looked out the window.

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