Chapter 11

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Mack's POV

I blinked my eyes open to see that I was laying down in the back of a car. I sat up and felt a pulling feeling in my wrists that stung. I looked down to see that my wrists were tied together and were tied to the car.

"Crap." I hissed looking around seeing that I was alone in the car. I let out a groan and tried pulling against the rope only to hurt myself in the process. I looked through the windows to see the boys sitting in Wendy's as they quickly ate. I continued to pull against the rope gritting my teeth. "Always," I pulled even harder letting out a slight scream, "the thick," I pulled even harder tears welling in my eyes at the strong pain, "rope!" I screamed out as I stopped pulling and leaned back against the car closing my eyes tightly.

I heard the door open and close quickly making me open my eyes and look up to see Luke staring at me his lips pressed together.

"Your wrists are bleeding." He stated and I glared at him.

"Wow? Really?" I growled at Luke who glared back at me.

"I was trying to be nice." Luke spat at me and I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"You are just like Jai." I spat and Luke mumbled something that I couldn't quite hear as he got out of the car slamming the door behind him making me jump. I looked up watching Luke leave as he opened the door to Wendy's letting it slam behind him. I watched as Beau walked out wearing a blue tye-dyed tanktop that had 'Useless' written on it in pink and white. The tanktop showed off his tattoos off as well as his muscles making me tense out of fear.

Who would have thought about that?

Being afraid of Beau, the one who was supposed to be the nice one.

Beau opened the door that was closest to me as he sent me a smirk.

"Have a nice sleep?" He sneered at me making me glare at him as he laughed.

"it was delightful." I hissed at Beau as he crouched into the car squatting in front of me.

"Glad your sleep was nice." He spat at me and I glared into his eyes as he glared back at me.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked my voice hard as Beau smirked.

"Remember your little cell back home?" Beau smirked at me and my heart fell to my feet as he smirked. "That's where we are going."

"What! Why?" I asked as I tried pulling against the ropes again. Beau laughed at my tries.

"Because," Beau growled as he grabbed my head roughly making me wince, "I never got my money."

Beau let go of my head and Iet my head hang lowly as the other boys piled into the car. I looked up and saw that Marie wasn't in the car or with the boys.

"Where is Marie?" I asked and Jai smirked at me.

"I took care of her." He growled and then started the car quickly driving off as I let out a choked sob as it was suddenly hard to breathe.

"Y-You killed her." I whispered as the tears poured down my face and I shook in the ropes.

"I did what I needed to do." Jai growled and I glared up at him.

"YOU PSYCHOTIC MONSTER!" I screamed at him pulled myself against the ropes as I whipped my arms around trying to get out. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVER LOVED YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!"

"My job comes before my personal life." Jai said flatly to me and I screamed at him as the tears poured off of my face and I felt the blood run down my wrists as I cried harder.

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