Chapter 10

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I woke up stretching my back as I listened to Marie's slow breathing. I opened my eyes and smiled at Marie's sleeping face. I thought back to the nights when we were locked together at Jai, Luke, Beau, James, and Daniel's house. The late nights crying in our cells. I closed my eyes tightly to block out the memories and opened them as I sat up walking over to the door. I opened the door but quickly closed it as I ran over to my bag of clothes. I grabbed my pink dress and quickly put it on as I put my hair into a messy bun. I slipped on my black flats and grabbed my phone walking out of the room being careful to quietly close the door behind me. I walked down the steps quickly. I reached the front of the hotel and I closed my eyes tightly as I stepped out of the hotel, the one thing that was protecting me.

"I hope this works." I said sighing to myself as I walked over to a bench sitting down as I unlocked my phone. I slowly dialed Beau's number feeling nervous about my decision. The phone rang once.

Then twice.

Then on the third time, Beau answered.

"Why, hello there, Mack." I heard Beau's calm voice which sent chills up my spine at how calm he was.

"I-If I-I come b-back h-home, w-will you l-leave M-Marie a-alone?" I asked and I heard laughter in the background.

"Mack, we are already here." Beau said and my eyes widened.

"Just take me back with you and let Marie stay here, let her start over with Eleanor and Louis." I begged and I heard just silence as Beau thought.

"Fine, meet me at the airport and we fly back to Melbourne." Beau said and he ended the call. I started to cry as I stood up wiping my eyes as people rushed past me. I started to walk towards the airport crying harder with each step.

"I love you, Mack." Marie said and I smiled hugging her tightly.

"I love you too." I said kissing her cheek as she held me back.

"Will you stay with me no matter what?" Marie whispered to me and I could tell she was crying softly.

"I will always stay with you." I whispered back.

"No matter what?"

"Forever and always, no matter what happens, I will always be here with you. Always."

I cried harder as I reached the airport Marie's voice asking me if I will always be with her.

I lied to her.

I broke my promise.

I opened the door to the airport letting it close behind me as I cried harder looking up my eyes clouded with tears as I tried to search for one of the boys.

"Mack, over here." I turned to the left to see all five of the boys waiting for me as I cried harder. I took small steps as people walked around me blocking my view of the boys.

Mack, remember me? 


That's my name. 

I'm kind of busy, can we do this little thing later?

Nope. We do it now. 

My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat as my legs collapsed under me making me fall to the ground my head hitting the tiles as I felt blood start to flow out of my head as I passed out from the impact.

"We do things on my time, when I want to." Cole said to me as he pulled me through the dark forest making me stumble behind him.

"YOU MADE ME GO UNCONSCIOUS!" I yelled at him and he shrugged as if it was nothing.

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