Chapter 18

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Jai's POV

I sat in my backyard blowing the smoke out of my mouth as I smoked using my hookah. I blew the smoke into the air my face emotionless. I have sat here for the past hour just smoking. I looked at the glass vase-like object next to me. I lifted it up and threw it to the side watching the glass shatter and the smoke billow into the air.

"I am such an idiot." I growled and I walked into the house walking to my room. I stared at Marie's body and I walked over to her shaking her small body. "Wake up, Marie! Just wake up!"

I closed my eyes tightly as I started to cry pressing Marie's cold body to my bare chest. I hugged her tightly rolling over her so I was laying on the bed with Marie in my arms. I cried into her shoulder pulling the blankets over us as I buried my head into the crook of her neck.

"Please wake up, don't be dead." I begged holding her tighter as I tried to keep her warm.

I cried harder wrapping my legs around Marie's legs as I tried to see if she had a heartbeat.

"J-J-Jai." My eyes widened and I looked down to see Marie shivering in my arms her lips quivering making it hard for her to talk her eyes still closed. "I-I-I'm s-s-s-o c-c-c-cold."

"I know, but I promise it will get better just stay with me." I said a smile coming to my face as I heard her talk. I kissed her head feeling the coldness of her skin. I pressed her head into my chest wrapping her into my arms even tighter pulling the blankets around her.

"J-J-J-Jai, w-w-what d-did you d-d-do t-to m-m-me?" She asked and I stayed quiet. "D-D-Did you d-d-do a-anything b-b-bad t-t-t-to m-m-me?"

"I didn't do anything." I told Marie and she shivered into my chest as I rubbed her back trying to keep her warm.

"W-W-W-Where i-is m-my s-shirt?" Marie asked and I hushed her closing my eyes.

"Just lay back and relax." I said and I smiled staring at the wall as I felt the relief wash through my body.

I didn't kill her.

I didn't kill her.

I didn't kill her.

I didn't kill her.


Mack's POV

I watched as Crystal drove off with her mom making me smile.

"Luke, I don't think my sisters are coming." Aubrey said and I turned around to see that Aubrey was watching Crystal drive away sadly.

"Want Beau to call them again?" I asked Aubrey and she looked over at me nodding sadly. I watched as Beau smirked pulling his phone out.

"I have an idea." Beau said and he chuckled dialing one of Aubrey's older sister's numbers.

"Oh boy." I muttered and I listened as somebody answered the phone.

"If you don't pick Aubrey up in the next thirty minutes I'm killing her and then one of you." Beau said and then he hung up smiling at me. "They will be here soon."

Luke laughed and I watched as Aubrey's eyes went wide.

"Kill me?" She asked and Beau's eyes widened as he realized Aubrey thought he was serious.

"No, Aubrey, I'm not gonna kill you." Beau said as he started walking towards Aubrey. Aubrey screamed and tried to run but Beau lifted her up holding her in his arms as she cried.

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