Chapter 20

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Marie's POV

My eyes flashed open as I heard the door close and lock. I tried to see through the dark but only made out a large shadow making me let out a small whimper. I watched as the shadow dragged one of the chairs over to my bed sitting down. They turned the light on and my eyes widened as I stared at the boy who sat in front of me.

"Hey, Marie, nice to finally meet you." He said smirking slightly at me.

"Y-You." I stuttered out.

"Yeah, remember me?" He asked the smirk still on his face as he leaned back into the chair.

"Sort of." I answered shifting in the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"Do I make you nervous? Because your heart rate is speeding up." He smirked and then chuckled sending me a smile as I looked up at the heart monitor seeing that my heartbeat had accelerated.

"Since I don't know who you are, yes." I said and he let out a sigh.

"Fine, I'll tell you." He said leaning onto his knees as he stared at me. "Hi, my name is Cole and I am supposed to be dead."

"Ohhhhhhhh! Hi, Cole." I said and he laughed leaning back into the chair.

"Yeah, hi." He chuckled and I blushed as he stared at me.

"Why are you here?" I asked and Cole smirked.

"Well, I heard you were gonna die so I came to see you." Cole said and I nodded a yawn escaping my lips.

"You come at weird times." I yawned and Cole smiled at me.

"Yeah, I know. Now move over." Cole said as he stood up dropping his black leather jacket onto the chair.

"What?" I asked confused as I moved over. Cole quickly got into the tiny bed pulling the blankets over us.

"I'm tired too." Cole said as he wrapped his arms around me making me stiffen.

"But I don't even know you." I said as Cole closed his eyes.

"I know you, Marie, and I know your brothers and your sisters. I'm not a psychopath, I promise." Cole mumbled and I sighed rolling into my side wincing in pain as some of the tubes that were connected to me dug into my body. 

"Okay, goodnight." I said and I quickly fell back to sleep resting my head on Cole's chest as I listened to his heart beating.


Mack's POV

I sat in the back with Mia as Emily slept in her lap. Luke sat next to Mia as Beau drove with Jai sitting next to him.

"Mia, can I just let you stay at my house? It's really late and I mean I have no idea where we are." Beau said and I looked at Mia who bit her lip, a nervous habit.

"I-I-I don't know." She said her voice a little bit louder than a whisper.

"Mack will be there so you have nothing to worry about." Beau said and I looked over at Beau.

"I will?" I asked confused and Beau nodded.

"If I go to your house, I may get killed." Jai said and I shrugged.

"Okay, where should we stay?" I asked and Luke smiled over at me.

"I can make beds on the couches in the living room." Luke said and I nodded.

"Mr. Brooks?" Mia asked and all three of the boys turned to look at Mia.

"What's wrong, Mia?" Beau asked his eyes leaving the road.

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