Chapter 21

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Mack's POV

I walked down the street the rain pouring down on me. Marie's surgery was happening right now. I should be with her at the hospital watching her go into the room like everybody else. I should be there for her when she wakes up, when she is better.

But no, I am walking down the street in the rain.

"You can't just run from your problems, Mackenzie!" Alicia yelled at me as she stared at me her face full of fear. I had just finished telling her what has actually happened to me over the past three years.

"It's the only option, Alicia! I basically cheated on Brad with somebody who has tried to kill me multiple times!" I screamed as the tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Running away is not going to solve that. Brad will come after you and then what? What do you do then? And even if you make it away from here how are you going to get money? What are you going to do?!?!" Alicia said as I shook my head letting the tears roll down my face.

"If I leave now than I don't have to worry about hurting anybody else, everybody that I love, I hurt." I sobbed and Alicia smiled sadly at me.

"Mack, you have never hurt me and by running away that would hurt everybody." Alicia said and I wiped my tears away.

"I'm just scared of what will happen next." I whispered and Alicia wrapped me into her arms as she hugged me.

"It's all going to be okay." She soothed me as I sobbed.  

Running away isn't an option anymore. Alicia is right, I can't just run from my problems, I need to deal with them. I need to tell Brad what happened, I need to get away from Jai, and I need to learn that it's okay to have problems.

"Mack!" I looked to my right to see Dylan sitting in his car. "Get in! I'll take you home."

I got into the car my eyes widening as the door closed and locked behind me and I stared at the person in front of me.

"Don't you know not to get into strangers cars?" Dylan asked me with a smirk making me freeze in my seat as Perrie tied my hands behind my back.

"What are you doing?" I hissed at Dylan who smiled.

"Something that should have been done a long time ago, Mack, something that your father wanted." Dylan said and I glared at him.

"You'll never get away with this, Dylan, whatever you have planned." I growled and both Perrie and Dylan laughed.

"Mack, we already have gotten away with it." Dylan said as he pulled into the driveway of a medium sized house. Perrie grabbed me from behind as she pulled me into the house with Dylan following her.

"Finally, somebody tracked her down." I looked up when I heard Cole's voice.

"You." I growled at him as he smirked at me.

"I can't believe you trusted me, didn't that little guardian angel of yours warn you?" He asked me and my mind went back to when I was with Chase.

"If I were you I wouldn't come back, I know what's going to happen to you. I know what Cole is doing."   

"You know I think we just should have killed Marie first, than we could work our way up." Cole said smirking at me.

"That would be easy, she can't do anything." Perrie said and then laughed. I brought my elbow back hitting Perrie in the stomach causing her to let go of me. I punched her across the face as Dylan looked at Cole.

"Aren't you going to do something?!" Dylan asked in shock as I continued to hit Perrie.

"She should be able to defend herself, if she can't, than she should try harder." Cole said and I felt something hard hit my face knocking me off of Perrie. I stared up in shock at Dylan who put the gun back in his pocket.

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