Chapter 2

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Mariah's POV

I finished curling my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

"Somebody looks sexy." Chelsea said winking at me as I laughed staring at myself in the mirror.

I had a white crop top on with a pair of white high waisted shorts. I had put glow in the dark makeup all over my body. Chelsea looked like me but her top and shorts were neon orange.

"Thanks." I said and Chelsea walked over to me staring at herself in the mirror with me.

"Maybe I can get some boys attention if you know what I mean." Chelsea said winking as I laughed walking over to my closet to grab my shoes.

"Classy." I said rolling my eyes as I heard Chelsea laugh. There was a knock at our door.

"Come in!" Chelsea called and the door opened as Dina and Amanda walked in.

"Where's Crystal?" I asked and Dina rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't feel good and wanted to stay in our room." Dina said and I laughed.

"Meeting up with Damion tonight." I said and the girls nodded as I slipped on a pair of white vans.

"Sexy much?" Amanda said looking at me.

"Says the girls in a pink lace bra." I teased her and she laughed slipping a shirt over her head.

"Whatever." She said and I laughed at her. Both girls were already painted and Dina had on a neon green bra under her white, thin top. Both wore white high waisted shorts like me.

"Ready?" Chelsea asked dropping her empty paint can on the floor.

"Ready." I smirked and we all filed out of the dorm quickly running to my car. I slid into the driver's seat as the girls followed in.

"I can't wait to get my dance on." Amanda said and we all laughed as I quickly sped down the road to get to the warehouse.

We finally arrived to see the warehouse packed with no parking left.

"Mariah!" I looked up to see Martin waving me over to a reserved spot. "I knew you sexy ladies would be coming." he smiled and I parked quickly.

"Thanks, Martin." I smiled and he nodded before running off into the warehouse. 

"Sexy time." Amanda said pulling her shirt off and tossing it in the car. Dina did the same and the tugged at my shirt.

"Come on, Mariah, take your shirt off." Dina said and I rolled my eyes.

"Nah, I'm good." I said and Dina shrugged grabbing Amanda as the two ran inside cheering.

"If you want to go home, tell me." Chelsea said and I nodded smiling at Chelsea.

"Let's go." I said and she smiled as we both walked into the mass of bodies. Chelsea started dancing with two guys and I decided to do the same. Everybody danced with each other and nobody cared who you were.

"Mariah!" I turned to my left and watched as Amanda ran towards me a glowing white cup in her hand.

"Hey, Amanda!" I yelled as she danced with me.

"Let's get you a drink!" she yelled over the music and I nodded letting her pull me to a table covered in white cups. 

"Having fun?" I turned around to see one of my best guy friends, Alex.

"Alex!" I cheered hugging him as he hugged me back. "I am having so much fun!" I said and he chuckled making me rest my head on his chest.

"Let's dance." he whispered into my ear and I nodded pulling him into the mass of people as we both started dancing. He was in a tight white shirt and had neon paint all over him.

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