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Freds pov

I don't know what happened but i jumped up to see jem hugging me really tight for no reason so i got mad and said"why the hell did you do that" then she said"you saved me thank you"while squeezing me tighter.then the memories from last night came back so i asked"how did i save you? Why were you shaking with fear with your knees in your chest? Did something bad happen? Was there some kind ok serial killer chasing you?"while looking worried yet confused,so she said"oh um well"but i cut her off and said"if your not gonna tell me the truth then just change the subject"while shifting my eyes down because it hurt that she didn't trust me.then she said"ok you want the truth hear it is, bel has completely lost her soul she is going to kill me now because i escaped from her basement,she is no longer herself when she get mad and yells her voice changes and shes out to get me."i was so shocked i couldn't say anything,all i could do was sit there and stare at her with eyes as big as a plushie dog and while my my mouth hung open so wide a bird could make a nest inside.then i said"im gonna go outside and get some fresh air"while quickly walking out the room.when i got outside there was two notes one said for jems boyfriend and the other one said for that bitch.i wanted to take her not to her but i was wondering why she wrote me one so i decided to read mines before i take her hers.when i opened the one for me it said"

Dear,bitches bf
I don't know if you know what she has gotten herself into so i thought i should tell you,she has been acting strange its almost like she has no soul.well i have to kill those with no souls so if you want to keep your soul hand her to me or you'll die along with her.

I got scared and ran back inside pushing my note into my back pocket as i reached the door.when i entered the room she turned to look at me with this worried look on her face probably noticing that i was scared out of my skin.then i said"this was on my door you might want to read it"as she slowly grabbed the note.when she opened it she looked at me shocked with so much fear i could see her soul shaking no trembling as she fell backwards off the bed and to the floor getting knocked out immediately.so i sat there and looked at her then an hour passed so i shook her and yelled"JEMMA! JEM! WAKE UP! PLZ JEM DON'T LEAVE ME ARE YOU OK?".after another hour passed i leaned over her face looking at her sleep while waiting for her eyes to open.then her eyes slowly started opening i was so happy but i just stared at her as she stared at me.then she said"what happened?"while looking confused so i said"you pasted out and fell on the floor,you were out for so long i thought you would never wake up".i could tell she got a little worried by her expression as she asked"how long was i out?"as i looked at her lips i felt a temptation to kiss her.them i finally realized that i was staring at her lips so i quickly looked back into her eyes hoping she wouldn't notice.then she said"you were out for two hours"as i looked at her lips again but this time i couldn't get myself to look at her eyes and i could tell she noticed by the way she stared at me.it seemed she was waiting for me to make a move or something.then i moved my face allowing her to set up straight and we just stared at each other.while we were staring at each other i could tell she was nervous from the way she bit her lip because i remembered when we were little she would do that when ever her crush looked at her.then i finally realized it was time to break the silence.

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now