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Bella's pov

What's happening why am i yelling at her? This is starting to get scary! Why cant i say what i want to say? i am worried something is wrong with me!
HELP ME! PLZ HELP ME! IM TRAPPED IN MY OWN MIND!............then finally i was able to say what i wanted "why is it so dark in here? Have you seen my mom? She was sleep on the couch did she move again?" i asked jem as she slowly moved to the corner of my dresser.the she replied "what just happened" "what do you mean?" "you were just yelling at me because i asked why didn't u care about ur mom and then u said u were going to ki.........you know what it was a long day so u are probably tierd, you should get some rest ok?" she replied as she laid my head down on my pillow and started to pull the covers over me. Then she walked and sat at the edge of my bed and just stared at me till i fell asleep.

10 minutes later

When i woke up i saw jem staring out the window at the sun saying"why is bel so weird today, she's never threatened me before something is seriously wrong and im gonna figure it out and fix it if its the last thing i do for my bestie" then i sneezed (hachoo!) and when i looked up she was slowly turning her head so i closed my eyes.while my eyes were closed i heard her footsteps get closer and closer till she was over my face breathing and staring at me then she said "i know your up u were always a bad fake sleeper" "ok ok u cought me" i replied as i opened my eyes to see her face directly over mines. As we looked into each other's eyes she let out a huge sigh and said" it had to be that" as she lifted her head back up and sat up straight. "What are u talking about" "ur losing ur soul and once its gone ur going to be completely different" "WHAT!...IM LOSING MY......MY.....MY SOUL!"

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now