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Bellas pov

Later on the next day i wondered why she wasn't here yet so i went to his house and climbed to his bedroom window and saw him leaning over her i thought he was going to kiss her but instead he just stared till she woke up and stared at him.now im not sure what the were talking about but when she sat up and started talking a few moments later i knew she had told him about the letter i saw the fear that made her soul tremble then i noticed there was something terribly wrong her eyes had water in them as it fell down her cheek.i got confused what was this thing she was doing was it emotion.i quickly shook my head trying to escape from that thought as i saw her get up to leave.she was trying to leave him why would she leave him did she desire him was there fondness between the two i didn't understand.then i slapped myself why was i thinking of such foolishness there was no way she longed for him.when i looked up he had her trapped on the wall in between his hand as he leaned in closer, she closed her eyes and just stood there and let him kiss her.i almost threw up in my mouth yet i couldn't look away like i was missing a piece of myself.then he pulled her off the wall closer to him as their body touched very close to close for comfort but they were comfortable.what was this action they were doing did i want to be fond for did i want to have a desire i pinched my cold skin till ot turned red yanking me out of thoughts and shoving them into a cage in the back of my mind destroying the key.i quickly jumped down from the window running from that torturous place that gave me evil thoughts that place made me powerless made me weak.i cant go back she has to come out into the open.but how would i do that she to strong am i to weak im so confused.i quickly slapped myself why was i so doubtful is there another side to me.then i realized there was another side of me the side i push away the side that wont die.i knew then and there that she that bitch has awoken my soul that i tried so hard to push away feeling is what broke me to feel is to desire and desires get you hurt.the day i permanently pushed my soul away i vowed to never go back and because of that bitch and her boyfriend i now had to fight a battle i had already won.but that's fine because i will win both battles i will defeat my stubborn soul and i will kill the witch who brought her back and i know just the way to do it.

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