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Jemmas pov

When i woke up i looked around to see where i was at and i noticed a picture of me when i was little with someone then i looked up and saw him sleep with his head rested on the wall.instantly i jumped up and hugged him as he jumped out of his sleep in fear.then he said"why the hell do u do that" "you saved me thank you"i replied with a smile on my face "how did i save you? Why were you shaking with fear with your knees in your chest? Did something bad happen? Was there some kind ok serial killer chasing you?" he asked with a worried yet confused look on his face.so i said"oh um well"but he cut me off by saying"if your not gonna tell me the truth then just change the subject"while slowly moving his eyes down in sadness.so said"ok you want the truth hear it is, bel has completely lost her soul she is going to kill me now because i escaped from her basement,she is no longer herself when she get mad and yells her voice changes and shes out to get me".after i said that the room was left in an awkward silence as he just stared at me with eyes as big as an plushie dog and mouth open so wide a bird could make a nest inside.then he said"im gonna go outside and get some fresh air"as he got up and walked out the door.i started to follow but i was afraid if i walked outside i would be dead so i just sat on the edge of his bed staring out the window.then he ran back inside and gave me a note and said"this was on my door you might want to read it",so i read the note and it said"

    Dear bitch,
Don't think that im gonna give up because your at your boy friends house because you are definitely wrong.i am going to get you and your boyfriend and don't bother running or leaving the country.i will haunt you down and kill you besides if you leave ill just kill your parents.wait their already dead so ill kill your adoptive parents.your fabulous friend,bella crumby"

I must've passed out because when i opened my eyes fred was hovering his face directly over mines staring at me while yelling my name.as i looked at him i could tell he looked so worried so i asked"what happened?" "you pasted out and fell on the floor,you were out for so long i thought you would never wake up" he replied as he shifted his eyes to my lips and back to my eyes.then i asked"how long was i out?" he replied"you were out for two hours" while again looking at my lips but this time he didn't look back at my eyes.

Hey guys
Do you think that fred likes jemma if you do/don't comment done below this will determine how their relationship go so its all up to you guys.and plz vote on my book and i will give a shout out to who ever comments and votes on my book the most on each chapter and they will get to decide what happens for a whole chapter so plz comment and vote

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now