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Candy's pov

Once i was done txting i quickly grabbed my black medium size suitcase and put all my cloths and important things in there and zipped it up.then i grabbed my favorite backpack and put survival things in there along with snacks and drinks.once i was done i walked out my house and caught a taxi to the airport and got onto the plane.it is so fun on this plane.i see the night sky with all the beautiful stars and lights of the cities down below.honestly im kind of tierd maybe i should rest my eyes.

30 minutes later

Omg! I think im gonna die. The air plane is shaking constantly and it feels like we are plunging to our deaths."hello everyone this is ur captain speaking it seems we are picking up some turbulence so fasten your seatbelts this is going to be a bumpy ride" said the captain on the intercom.he really knows how to state the obvious its already bumpy.i can feel the air pressure start to slowly choke me.then the air bags fall down i quickly grab one and put it over my face.then i notice this kid in front of me who don't have one so i in buckled my seat belt and switched with him buckling him in my seat and giving him the air bag.then i sat in his seat fastening my seat belt as i slowly started choking because of bad air pressure.at the moment i didn't care as long as the kid was safe he was alive i was fine.then something goes over my face and im able to breath stopping me from blacking out i quickly turn to see who it was.as i looked to my right i see this tall musculine man with green eyes and beautiful brown hair he was like prince charming.then i realized he gave me his air bag i quickly started to take it off to give it back to him saying"no this is yours"but he didn't take it he just said"no you take it u were 2 seconds from dieing a minute ago i'll be fine we are only 10 minutes away"as he put the mask back around my face with a sweet smile.then the air plane started shaking again i must have screamed because next thing i know he was holding me in his arms close to his chest i could smell his cologne​,it smelt like a summer days breeze by the ocean and i heard his heart beat it was beating really fast like it was struggling to keep oxygen.he must of knew i was listening to his heart beat because he quickly looked at me and said"don't worry i'll be fine ok"i didn't know what to say i didn't want him to die because of me i was completely speechless held up in my thoughts then he sighed and said"we're here the plane just landed see told you"i gasped and smiled that he was ok then i remembered the little boy so i quickly got up and looked behind me at the boy sitting there died his air bag broke so he died 10 minutes later after i switched with him.that was what the old lady told me i started crying i killed a little boy he was not older that 12 with blue eyes and good dirty blonde hair he was a nice little boy.then i started thinking of his family they lost their son, grandchild, nephew, cousin.i started crying even more then someone started rubbing my back as i stared at the little boy who from lack of oxygen had turned blue and lifeless.then that person turned be around so i wasn't looking at the boy anymore as they said"don't blame yourself it wasn't your fault"as they held me tighter.wait i know this voice it was the same man from before.how did he know i was blaming myself did i make a certain facial expression.then he lifted my head up by putting his finger under my chin so i would look at him in his big beautiful green eyes.once i he saw that i stopped crying he backed up a bit and said"my name is ivan what's your name" as i slowly whipped my tears away i said"my name is candy" "may i ask why were you leaving paris" as we started to get off the plane i said"im moving in with my new friends"then it gets quiet and we slide down the little slide thing out the airplane.as i start walking to get my suitcase because my backpack was already on my back i feel ivan tackle me to the ground as a bullet slams against the ground on the side of us i quickly jump up running dragging him with me as we grab our luggage.then he says"who was trying to shoot you"as we hide behind a wall.then i said"its a long story u might not believe me i hope they didn't see your face" "what why what do u mean"after he said that my phone started ringing so i answered it and said"hello" "hello dear miss me" "oh my god how the hell did you get my phone number" "it doesn't matter but i see u have a boyfriend uh" "no i don't have a boyfriend" "well i think you do remember the green eyed brown hair musculine one he saved u from my bullet and he is standing next to you right now" "oh my god listen bitch i don't know what you want from me but leave innocent people out of this yea that's right i know you killed that little boy i bet that was meant for me uh why can't u just leave me alone" "your right about everything except one im going to kill anyone who comes close to you and who gets in my way like him".i quickly hung up the phone running with our luggage as the gun shots continued.once we made it inside the building i noticed there was alot of people so i took out my phone and txted fred"where are you send me a pic so i know what you look like and plz hurry" "ok im by the door i'll start walking up and here"

once we made it inside the building i noticed there was alot of people so i took out my phone and txted fred"where are you send me a pic so i know what you look like and plz hurry" "ok im by the door i'll start walking up and here"

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After he sent me his picture i noticed a girl with a dart gun that looked fake but i knew it was real so i took a picture of her and sent it to him.
"Who is this girl she has been trying to kill me"

"Who is this girl she has been trying to kill me"

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"That's bel dang she has changed alot"

"Ok send me a pick because i think i see you"

"Well i see you so i don't need to"

"Ok lets go then"

Once I was done txting fred i asked"do you trust me"with a half smile on my face."yea i do"he replied so i grabbed my bag and his hand and we ran for dear life to where fred was.when we got there we looked around and there she was pointing her gun at us so we ran to the car then i felt tierd all of a sudden and started to slowly fall down.

Ivans pov

While we were running i notice that candy starts to slow down then she just fell down so i quickly picked her up while the boy grabbed her suitcase and put her in the car.ance i got my suitcase in the car i hopped in and we sped off into traffic hopefully losing who ever was chasing us.but i was still confused i mean i really like her she kind and funny and pretty but what happened what did she do that someone would try to hurt her.then that man said"hey thanks for helping back there if you weren't here we would be dead" "why" "um...lets listen to some music"he said ignoring the question its like they were hiding something.were they bank robbers or criminals.nah she could never be a criminal but him i wasn't so sure but yet again she do trust him is he one of her friends or was he her boyfriend i had no idea of what to think.then we arrived at a house and he got out and grabbed the luggage while i grabbed her.when we got to the door it swung open and there was a girl there she looked worried as she said"what took you so long" "long story but lets just say that happened "he replied pointing at me and candy.then she said"oh no plz don't tell me that..." "yes that happened"he replied cutting her off, as she replied"which ones was it" as i slowly laid candy on their couch and going to close the door, and as soon as the door closed he ran and locked every single lock like it was normal.

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