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Bellas pov

While i was in my room i heard someone knocking on the door so i slowly got up and walked to the door.when i got to the door and opened i noticed it was mr.furgason so o asked"what are you doing here mr.furgason?" "im looking for my daughter jemma" he replied with a little bit of shakiness in his voice.then i asked"are you ok u seem scared of something" "oh yea im fine im just worried i wont see my daughter again"he replied then looking at his phone to check the time while saying"its really late are u sure u haven't seen her cuz her mom is worried"that's when i knew something was wrong cuz i never said no,but at the same time i never said yes then all of a sudden something came over me and i said"you'll never see her again if she tries to escape during this charade i'll surly kill her and if u come here again i'll kill you".after i said that i knew that, i have changed and i liked it. i was never going back to my old self and no one not even jem could change that.once he looked in my eyes he ran away to his car and left so i went to the basement to see if she had escaped but when i opened the door she was sleep where i threw her so i stared at her so she could feel the chills of fear if she wanted to try something.after five minutes i closed the door and went to my room and laid down;however as soon as my head hot the pillow i heard the lock on the basement window unlock with a quiet screech then the window open setting of the silent alarm in my room to let me know someone is leaving.when i realized it was her my eyes turned blood thirsty red as i ran to the basement faster than ever and opened the door to see she was gone.i was so furious i yelled"IM GONNA KILL YOU U BITCH!".after i said that i rushed out the front door with my wooden bat and ran down the street chasing after her.then she stopped at a house so i just stood there like in horror movies when the killer just stands there staring at their victem.while i was standing there she kept looking at her phone and texting.then she noticed me and i could tell she was trembling in fear.she kept looking at me then looking at her phone as i slowly walked towards her.then she looked at me one last time straight in my eyes and she gasped i knew then and there she knew her friend was gone.then the door opened and it was a boy he seemed kind of pissed off by the he swung the door open.so i continued to walk slowly towards but she ran inside slamming the door shut as i got closer i heard the locks being locked all the way to the last one.at that time i knew i had lost that time but there will be another war between us and i will be ready.knowing that she wont come out i wrote a note and put it on the door for her to find in the morning along with a warning for her little boyfriend.

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now