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Jemmas pov

Once fred locked the door i noticed that the boy was confused and looked quite scared, so i said"hey"while walking over to him.once he realized i was talking to him he looked at me and said"um hi" "so do u know my dear friend right here" i asked while pointing at candy passed out on the couch."yea"he replied as i looked back at him asking"how?" "oh well i kind of saved her life twice" "WHAT! What do u mean twice" "i think she would want to tell you herself" "well she can't at the moment and she won't be able to for a couple hours so start talking" "ok well the airplane started to get some turbulence and the air bags came out" "don't stop there continue" "ok there was this little boy not older than 12 sitting next to me and his air bag didn't come down so she got up and switched with him and she sat next to me" "what else happened u seem to be a little hesitant on the info." "well she started to black out because of the air pressure so i gave her my air bag right before she blacked out and she tried to give it back to me because she heard my heart beating fast to keep me alive" "she is always putting people above others she is so nice" "yea then when we got to the airport she turned around and noticed that the boy was dead and had turned blue so she asked what happened and this old lady said that he died 10 minutes after she switched with him and she broke down" "yea that's her let me guess she said she killed him right" "yea and she wouldn't calm done but luckily she did after about 30 minutes,  so then we got off the plane and i saw someone pointing a gun at her and shoot so i pushed her out the way" "what did she do after?" "she looked up and saw them and also saw the bullet go pass her face so she got up and quickly ran pulling me with her.then her phone rang i didn't know who it was but from how mad she was she didn't like them and they didn't like her" "do u remember what she said?" "a little i remember she said [oh my god listen bitch i don't know what you want from me but leave innocent people out of this yea that's right i know you killed that little boy i bet that was meant for me uh why can't u just leave me alone]" "oh no fred come here now" i silently yelled while he stood there confused again.once fred came in the living room i said"go get it" "but" "just go"i said interrupting him as he ran down to the basement.then the boy asked"what is going on?why won't you tell me?im going to call the cops!" go ahead they can't help you your in this now and there is no going back so i hope your family is far away and they know u love them because u can't ever see them again as far as right now" i replied staring at him till fred came back.once fred was back he handed me the needle and i walked towards candy but that guy stepped in front of me and said"you are not going near her with that" so i looked at fred and he grabbed the dude and held him by the wall as he watched me stick the needle into her arm and injecting the pink liquid into her arm and stepping away.after 10 minutes candy jumped up and said"what happened"while looking at me and the needle.then she looked and fred and the guy and looked back at me and said"fred let him go he is a friend his name is ivan and ivan these are my friends fred and jemma".after she said that fred let him go and said"no hard feelings right bro" then i said"u can call me jem ok" as he looked at us and said"no we're cool and ok soooo anyone gonna tell me why someone tried to kill me" with this worried look on his face like he was about to pass out.so me, candy, and fred all looked at each other and said "fine we will tell you ok"at the same time as he just stared at us.then candy said"jem u go first then fred then me" so i said"ok well it started 2 years ago when my friend slowly started to change and she began to become someone with no soul and because i tried to help her she is now trying to kill me" "and he is here because of the same thing" "not exactly im here because this is my house and also because i helped her and has had her in here hiding and protecting her from being killed"fred replied as ivan began to turn his gaze to candy and asked"why are you in all of this" "well long story short i cursed her out for trying to choose who i want to hang out with and for being extremely rude" "oh ok what did you say?" "well i kind of called her a soulless bitch and a soulless​ asshole as minimum" "wow and im in this because i helped you"he asked with all seriousness as candy shook her head yes and he said"ok cool i have a family now i guess".once he said that we all looked at each other then looked at him and said"A FAMILY NOW WHAT" "yea my family all slowly died years ago i've been on my own since i was 15" "awww i am so sorry"me and candy replied giving him a hug while fred said"that sucks".once we were done talking i went into the kitchen to make dinner when i saw her in the bushes pointing a grenade launcher at the house so i yelled"EVERYONE GRAB WHAT U CAN AND GO INTO THE BASEMENT NOW!"at the top of my lungs.

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now