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Jem pov

When i came to I was in this very hideous room with rope tied around my hands and feet connected together

Preventing me from moving a lot

As I was sitting there wondering where I heard footsteps coming towards the door not just one but two

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As I was sitting there wondering where I heard footsteps coming towards the door not just one but two

When they stopped I heard two voices talking on the other side

"Do you think she woke up yet"

"I don't know you did hit her pretty hard"

Ok so I recognize the first voice as Ivan candy's boyfriend but I don't know who the second voice is

"Whatever man let's just check on her so we can Finnish our game"


After he  said that I labored my breathing and closed my eyes so they would think I was still knocked out.

Right after I close my eyes the door slowly creaks open the to sets of footsteps coming closed to me till they we're hovering above me

Like doctors do to make sure that your ok except u don't think that was the case for these people

"Why isn't she awake? "

"I don't know, she should be" said Ivan

"Well let's wake her up then"

"Ok go get the bucket" replied Ivan

And the next thing I know I'm drenched in ice cold water making me scream and head bud who ever was close enough

Which so happen to be Ivan (score) because he  screamed "FUCK" while rubbing his forehead with his hand squinting his eyes in concentration

"What was that for? " asked Ivan

"For kidnapping me you asshole"

"Fine be that way" he replied

As him and ugly (the other guy)  picked me up and literally dragged me out the room

Fred pov

Its been three hours since jem and Ivan left to the store and im freaking out while pacing back and forth in our room.

This is so unlike her she only takes an hour at most but three something has to be wrong really wrong

And I think I know the one person who might know what happened because he....

Is just that weird

Get guys woooo

I know its a miracle I finally updated well sorry it to so long a lot as been happening with me being a senior and then writers block


I got threw it well the writers block but not so much the senior thing because a lot is happening eight now so I don't know when I'm going to update again but trust me I will and it won't be as long of wait as last time any way


My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now