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Jemmas pov

As we stared at each other he finally broke the silence by asking"what did the note say?" i didn't know what to say i just started looking all around the room trying not to make eye contact till he asked again moving closer so i said"basically shes going to kill me and if i run she'll kill everyone i love"once i said that i knew that he was wondering if that meant him by the unsure look on his face then i felt tears forming in my eyes as i started to stand up.he looked at me and asked"where are you going?" i shot him a u know where look and he gasped and stood up.so i started to walk out but he grabbed my harm yanking me to the wall of his bedroom staring at me with his sympathetic eyes staring into my soul.thats when i knew he got to me i just broke down and started crying covering my face with my hands.then he moved my hands from my face and just looked at me i knew he was hurting i could see the pain in his eyes from watching me cry so i quickly sucked it up and wiped my tears off my face and tried to smile.but he saw right threw it as i tried to walk towards the door he placed one hand stretching his arm in front of me blocking my path.i knew what was coming and i wanted it to happen as i looked at him my heart began to feel tingly as it started beating fast and my stomach felt like butterflies were inside.thats when i realized i had feelings for the one person who knew me better than anyone mt best friend fred.he slowly leaned in closer closing his eyes so i closed my eyes as his lips gently touched my lips.then he put one hand on my lower back pulling me in close as the other hand was on my upper back towards my neck.my whole body exploded with emotion i had never felt this way since that moron dennis broke my heart.then as i opened my eyes he backed away opening his eyes as he slowly put a smile on his face i knew i had to be blushing with my bright red cheeks i quickly turned around covering my cheeks when i felt something grab me i froze and just moved my eyes side to side.then i realized it was fred as he wrapped his arms around my cheeks were more red than before as a rush of emotion flowed through me like a river.this never happened to me before i felt the warmness of his skin the beat of his heart it was like mines.i quickly turned around and hugged him back as he squeezed me tighter whispering"i will never let you go"into my ear.i was so overwhelmed with emotion i didn't know what to do this was all new to me i could only stand there blushing like a love sick puppy.i was so embarrassed.i noticed that he knew cuz he laughed at me giving me a wink that made it even worse.

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