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Bels pov

While i was building a dungeon i heard a knock on my door so i walked up to the door and no one was there.so i screamed"IF YOU COME TO MY DOOR AGAIN I'LL KILL YOU"at the top of my lungs to make sure everyone heard me then i turned around and saw the bushes by my house moving and it wasn't windy so i slowly walked over there carrying a knife in my hand to stab them but when i got to the bush there was no one there i got even way more mad because that means someone was playing games by my house.i ran inside slamming the door and stomping down to the basement to finnish my dungeon.

Candys pov

When i woke up i was laying inside of a really comfortable bed.so i quickly opened my eyes and i started to observe my surroundings when i heard someone coming so i closed my eyes to try and trick them.when they came in i slowly pulled the blanket over my head so i could open my eyes.then they said"i know your up"so i stuck my head out the cover just enough so i can see who had kidnapped me and he was a buff guy with a blonde died tip on his taper hair cut with a blue muscle shirt with  black shorts, some white L.J shoes and to top it off some gorgeous hazel eyes.then i asked"who are you and why did you kidnap me?" "one my name is shavon and two i didn't kidnap you i saved your life"he replied while putting a smile on his face.so i said"i didn't need u to save me i knew what i was doing" "oh really u were going straight to the witches house if i had let u go u would have died" "yea i know but i also would have put up a pretty good fight to protect my friends till u ruined it now they will die for sure" "well i didn't see anyone soo" "that's because they are dead" "oh so u are revenging them" "yea and u can't help because  i still don't trust you" i replied sitting all the way up with my back on the dashboard of the bed.

Shavons pov

After she sat up on the bed i noticed that she had a wound on her shoulder like she was shot with something so i asked"how did u get the little scar?" "um i don't know what your talking about"she replied looking away from my eyes and to the floor.i knew she was lying so i got up and sat on the bed and pointed at the scar and said"this scar right here" after i said that she jumped out the bed and said"its none of ur business if that's a scar or not it could be a birth mark".after that i could tell that she knew i was catching on to her lies so she quickly tried to run out the door but i rolled over the bed onto the floor abd tripped her making her face plant to the floor.when she landed on the floor she said"ow!that hurt" then she got up and slapped me as i was trying to get up and said"do that again i wont just slap you".then she grabbed her phone and started txting someone and they had to be close because she got sad then after a moment she looked worried as she headed for the door quicker than the last time but this time i held the door with my hand and said"leaving so soon are we"as i laughed with a smile on my face.but she got angry and kicked me in my leg witch made me drop my hand as she opened the door and ran out.once she was out i ran after her as she continued to run all the way to this burnt down house area.when she got there she knock on the ground and waited for 5 minutes then it swung open as she ran inside turning her head to make sure no one was there she saw me.so she grabbed my arm and yanked me inside as this guy slammed it shut and locked it.

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