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Freds pov

When i heard jem yell i quickly started grabbing what i can stuffing everything in a big black bag while the others helped me and running to the basement with their stuff and a bag or 2 with me and Jem's stuff as she ran out the kitchen and down the stairs with plates and dishes.it was like everything was going in slow motion as we rushed down the stairs and slammed the metal heat resistant door and locked it.after i locked it i went to my room of the basement and put all of my stuff in their then i went to Jem's room and put all her stuff in their and sat on her bed hugging her as she cried.

Candys pov

After fred went into Jem's room i started unpacking my stuff and putting them where they go inside my room trying not to cry.once i was done i went to Jem's room so i could talk to her but i noticed that she was crying saying"im sorry for ur house i know how much in meant to you...its my fault i should have never came to ur house.....ur parents left it to you when they died 4 years ago and now its gone because of me......its me she wants not u not candy not ivan...i have to turn myself in so u guys can live normal".after i heard her say that i was furious more furious than bel that stupid soulless bitch messed with me and my friends long enough.so i went to Ivan's room to see if he was ok but he was sitting on the floor with his knees in his chest while his head was inside his crossed arms shaking like he was traumatized.so i asked"are u ok?" while walking towards him,but he didn't answer so i sat on his bed and wrote a letter to him in his memory notebook putting the date and time then i walked out closing the door behind me.walking to my room and writing a letter to jem and fred again putting the time and date.when i was done i put Fred's letter on his bed and i put Jem's letter on her dresser by the door and quickly walked up the stairs quietly and walking out the door.after i shut the door i ran and hid behind a tree as a car drove by slow making sure that the house burned down to the ground.once the car left i put down some of my dads skeletons that looked burnt from when he was testing his fireproof cloths down so when that car comes back they will think that the others died and that im the only one who survived.after i did that i ran down the street looking for Bel's house but i didn't see it so i took out my phone and looked at the picture

after i did that i ran down the street looking for Bel's house but i didn't see it so i took out my phone and looked at the picture

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Man she has a beautiful house for such a crazy psychotic bitch.anyway 5 minutes later i found it so i walked up to the front door and knocked and right before the door opened someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me into the bushes and trees.then i tired to yell by they covered my mouth with a cloth.

Ivans pov

Once candy left my room i looked up and saw my memory book on my bed instead of my dresser so i got up off the floor and looked at what was inside my book and it was a letter from candy so i read it and it said

Dear ivan,
I am so sorry that i dragged you into this.i don't know if you are mad at me or not but i might not see you again.i wanted to tell you that even though i barely know u i actually have a crush on you and i wish we could have gotten to know each other more but sadly we can't.now im not telling you where i went or where im going just know that i love you.goodbye
Love, candy l ryder

5:32 pm

After i read her note i opened my door and ran to her room and all her stuff was here but she wasn't.i felt this weird feeling in my chest that i haven't felt since my family died i felt broken hearted, abandoned.i ran to Jem's room where she was with fred and told them about candy then fred noticed there was a letter so he gave it to jem to read and he went to check his room for a letter.after they reas their letters we walked over to the door and saw that it was unlocked so i ran up and locked it while we think of a plan.

Hey guys

So for the next chapter i am going to be adding a new someone new.but who that new person is i don't know its up to you guys it could be you or i could be someone you made up.the point is you choose whose going to be the new person in the next chapter.and fill free to comment down some ideas to because im running a little dry here.hope u r enjoying the story.
Love, orchidwirnters

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now