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Shavon pov.

Once my mother was done talking she started crying probably thinking that i hate her or something since i haven't said anything.

Anyway once she slightly calmed down i got up from m seat and walked over to wear she was seated and gave her a big hug while saying " don't cry mum, i know u just don't want to lose me"

" oh my baby im glad ur not mad at me, i-i-i d-d-don't know what i would have done if you were mad at me or worst -h-h-h-h-hate me" she replied hugging me back even tighter.

Then ivan gets up and walks to his room without looking back except to looking at jem sideways with a scowl before disappearing into his room closing and locking the door.

Then i walked my mom to the door telling her that​ she has to go home cuz its not safe for her here.

Once she left i looked back to see candy staring into space, jem and fred talking and laughing and ivan still in is room

So as quietly as possible i walked over to his door and put my ear to it carefully only to hear " okay ill talk to u tomorrow at 8 cuz breakfast is at 7 and everyone wakes at 6 except for shavon"

then i heard shuffling so i swiftly but quickly walked to my  room and laid down slowly falling asleep

~The next day~

When i woke up it was 7:30 so i knew they were at breakfast so i snuck into
Ivans room and bugged his phone while placing a tiny security camera in the corner so u can see the whole room then went back into my room.

When i got to my room i closed my door and sat on my bed with my lap top and watched the live video feed as i waited for him to got to his room and make the call.

When it hit 7:50 ivan walked back into his room and closed the door while locking it and sat on his bed and waited for 8.

Right when 8:00 hit he picked up his phone and called the number and said (bold= bella, italic= ivan) "hey sis so what's the plan to get jem"

" so the plan is that u have to convince jem to got to the 'store' and say that you could go with her to keep her 'safe' when your actually bringing her to my hideout"

"That's a good plan but one problem fred will want to go with her or shavon candy wont cuz she is scared"

"Easy create a problem that only they can solve then you guys can go"

"Ok sis where is this hideout and what's the password"

"The hideout is on rose ave.and..."

"Bel what is the password"

"Fine the password his bella is evil "

"Ok bye"

Then ivan hung up the phone and left his room.then i looked and my app and saw that the number he called showed up so i put the app inside a folder called Rainbow on my desk top so it won't be suspicious since im weird already.

Jem pov

While me and fred were cleaning the kitchen ivan walked and asked" fred can you come here for a moment i need you to help me with something in my room" "sure no problem" "thank you" "ill be right back baby ok"  "ok babe" i replied while giving him a peck on the lips as he walked away.

Later on ivan walked in and said"we ran out of drinks jem" while going through the fridge as i replied" and whose fault is that" " i know anyway lets go to the store to get some more and other groceries we need"

"ok let me grab my phone and we can go ok" "but i want to go so we can be fast" "ok fine lets just go so we can hurry up" i replied while pulling on my shoes and jacket.

Once we were out of the house we started walking to the store which was pretty far away farther that normal so i asked" ivan are you sure this is the way to the store because its farther that i remember?" suddenly he got tense and said" yea the other one g-got closed down so im t-taking you to the new one" "o-okay then"

Then out of nowhere these guards came up to us and he said" state your business" "you need the pass word right?" ivan asked while i was having a very bad feeling and looking confused.

Then he said" yes i do" so ivan replied"Bella is Evil" "correct" said mr.beard because he had a beard so i named him that. When ivan said that i turned around and started running away.

But before i could get that far he hit me in the back of my head with something.as i slowly lost consciousness i heard ivan say"she left her phone at home" then i was out cold

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now