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Ivans pov

After fred locked(🔒) the door i ran and gave candy a hug almost knocking us both onto the ground saying"why would you do something so stupid we were all worried(😰)" then fred asked"wait how are you still alive she would have killed(🔪) you"

while pulling her arm and making her turn in a circle to see if she had any scars.then jem said"i agree but lets just be glad(😁) that she is alive plz" will giving her an even tighter hug with tears(😭) in her eyes until candy(🍬)  tapped her shoulder saying"can't.....breath"as she started to push jem off.

once jem let go candy said"sorry guys i heard(👂)  jem saying that she was going to turn herself in and that it was her fault then ivan wouldn't talk to me it was like he was traumatized(😱) or something then i heard about freds parents(👪) and the house i got so mad(😡) that i wanted to go and try to end this all"

we all said"awwwwwww(😍)" at the same time and gave candy a big hug till that guy asked"who are u guys and why am i here?"with a confused(😕) look as candy turned around and said"oh yea shavon meet my friends ivan, jem,and fred"

"your friends"he repeated again looking confused as she smiled(😅) and said"yea the ones i told you were dead because i didn't trust you".

after she said that he started laughing as we all looked at candy angerly.then she said"hey what if he was working for bel and she do have someone patrolling the area"

"ok ok you do have a point"i replied rubbing the back of my neck as fred said"wait someone is patrolling here".

this time candy just nodded and said"don't worry i put out some burnt skeletons outside so they would think we were dead" "um.....i still don't know what's happening here" said shavon with a confused (😕)look on his face.

After he said that everyone just looked at him with a very awkward silence till fred pulled him into his room and slammed the door leaving the rest of us confused (😕)and slightly shocked(😮) by his actions.

then 30 minutes later his door flings open sending shavon running like a loon at the door scared(😱) for his life and hiding behind candy.

Freds pov.

When i slammed my door i threw shavon onto my bed and said in the harshest​ tone possible" listen buddy.... i don't exactly know you and i don't want to know you, but all i know is ur now in my house so u will stay away from my girl jem(💎)......

and u will respect all of us and don't think that i trust u cuz i don't, and one mistake... no one slip up and ur out of here and if u get on my nerves to much i might just kill u myself(😵🔫)...........

no what that's not a bad idea(💡) i could just do it now! don't u think that would be easier? (Pause)  and plz say yes!!!(😏) matter of fact choose ur words and actions carefully"with an evil gleam in my eyes(😈).

but he just stared at me for a moment then ran throwing my door open to go hide behind candy.

Before i knew it  jem had yanked him into her room closing the door and locking it.

everyone just looked(👀) at each other because we didn't know(😕) what had just happened then we heard laughter(😂) coming from her room

what was they saying, what could be so funny, i wanna know, why is he hitting on her.

I thought just as the door opened and they walked out smiling(😁) like it was a happy day.

but then we heard something strange come from upstairs by the door(🚪) and we all turned and looked up at the door as the banging grew more frantic so i ran and opened the door as we all gasped(😮) at who was at the door.

My Soulless Friend (Book 1) Going Through EditingWhere stories live. Discover now