Chapter 1- This Job Sucks

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Dean was at his desk, it was the last period of the day and he couldn't wait to get out. He couldn't stand his job, but he needed to survive and he refused to get into the family business of being a mechanic.

His brother Sam did, but Dean wanted to be a teacher so he became one, he just didn't expect it to be like this. His high school experience was full of breakups, booze, crying, sex, drugs, and other things teenagers' parents would lock their kids in their rooms for the rest of their lives for.

Dean looked at the clock, one minute left, "You guys can go," he shouted to his loud students who by some miracle heard him. They all left quickly and in their wake was a huge mess of empty water bottles, crumpled papers, pencils, and other miscellaneous items.

Dean sighed and got out of the classroom to find a janitor's closet for a broom. He searched the long hallways for a janitor's closet and finally found one. He opened the door to find two students making out, they didn't seem to notice him so he simply closed it and went about his day.

Dean gave up and left the mess for the janitor, he felt bad, but not bad enough to clean it up. He went back to his classroom to find the principal standing in front of his door, "Hey Mr. Singer, what's going on?" he asked, a bit concerned.

He was wondering if he was doing something wrong, but decided to wait for the man to speak before coming to conclusions. "Ah, Mr. Winchester, there's a new teacher and I need you to help him out. I'll give you tomorrow off to show him around, he starts the day after that. Is that alright?" he asked Dean, "Yep, you had me at day off." he said chuckling.

Mr. Singer was one of the few people that he didn't mind so he didn't have his usual bad attitude. "What's his name?" Dean  asked, "Castiel Novak," Mr. Singer responded. Dean nodded his head in response, "Anyway, I'm gonna grab my things and go," Dean said to break the silence, Mr. Singer moved out of the doorway to let Dean through.

During his drive back home, he thought about what he would be doing the next day. He hoped the guy would be interesting or he would not be having much fun. A lot of adults these days have become boring and lost that little twinkle that made them..them. Now most of Dean's friends have a family and they became mature, got into golf and other boring shit.

If this Castiel guy was anything like other adults he might die of boredom. As soon as Dean got home he took a beer out of the fridge and sat in his bed watching Doctor Sexy M.D. until he fell asleep.

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