Chapter 5- Uh Oh

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Dean continued to warm up his food in the microwave after Cas had asked him what the teacher across the room's name was. He paid no heed to it, which meant that he wasn't paying attention when Castiel went to say hello to her either.
Cas walked briskly across the room, dodging some chairs on his way to talk to Hannah. He thought she was cute, even if this didn't go the way he wanted he would still be glad that he got to talk to her.

Castiel nervously stood next to Hannah, she was sitting in a chair grading some papers with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Hey, I'm Castiel." he said with a slightly nervous tinge, Hannah look up at his bright blue eyes and smiled politely, "Hey, I'm Hannah" she responded.

"May I sit?" Cas asked, pointing at a chair at the same table Hannah was working at. She nodded her head and he sat down. Castiel hadn't been attracted to a woman in a long time, it's mostly been men.

"So, how long have you worked here?" Cas said, trying to start a conversation. "I started at the beginning of this year. I've never seen you around here so I'll assume that you just started." Hannah replied quickly. "Yeah, today's my first day. So far its been a bit of a hassle, I never knew how rowdy high school students could be." Cas said.

Hannah smiled, "Don't worry, you'll get used to it eventually. It took me about a month to figure things out.". "Really? How did you do it? I don't want to spend another second in a class with only two students paying attention." Cas said, this earned him another smile from Hannah.

He realized that her smile was something he could get used to. Hannah went into detail about how she was able to get a good amount of her students to pay attention. Castiel listened intently, out of attraction and genuinely wanting to know.
Meanwhile, Dean was sitting alone in the corner of the room where he usually sits. He looked over at Cas and Hannah and couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. Dean could never deny that he didn't have a slight crush on his new co-worker, but he didn't know why.

He chalked it up in the column marked 'haven't   found someone worth being with in over six months'. Dean took a moment to think about his past relationships, then shuddered. It was not a pretty sight, he wasn't sure if Cas was bisexual or gay, he'll ask him at some point.

The bell rang, signaling that lunch was over and people had to get back to class. Castiel said goodbye to Hannah and went over to Dean. "Did you see that? I never thought I'd find someone here that I would call boyfriend or girlfriend material." he told Dean happily.

At least now Dean knew that Cas was bisexual, that gave him some relief. Then he registered what Cas had said and the relief was soon gone. It was quite possibly, the weirdest emotional roller coaster he's ever been on.

Dean didn't want to spoil anything for Castiel so he put on a smile, "That's great, I think you'll win this one. Sadly, we have to get back to work, come on." he said getting up from his seat.

The two men walked through the hallways, trying to move students out of the way so they could pass. Once they got to their rooms, the two set up a meeting after school to talk about lesson plans, then said goodbye.
Cas went through his classes a bit happier, he made a new friend, and found a girl that he liked.

//Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I'll try my best to update as soon as I can, if I don't feel free to message me and remind me that I should update soon. I think that is all for now. See you later my friends//

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