Chapter 8- The Date

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Castiel stood nervously in front of the café that he was supposed to be meeting Hannah in front of. He barely got any sleep the night before, and even after Dean helped him out he was still a little scared.

Hannah came a few minutes later and parked her car close to the entrance. Cas walked over to greet her as she came out the car. "hey." he said, waving.

"Hello Castiel" Hannah replied smiling. Cas calmed down a bit, "Shall we go inside?" he asked. "Yeah,".

Hannah led the way with Cas close behind, he opened the door for her to which she thanked him. Castiel was going through the list of things that Dean told him to do. He felt a bit overwhelmed with all of his thoughts swimming around in his head.

Cas got a vanilla coffee with cream and sugar, Hannah got a hazelnut coffee with sugar. They sat at a table with two chairs on either side next to a window. Hannah spoke first to start a conversation going, "So, Castiel I think we should get to know each other more by asking questions." Cas nodded his head in agreement.

"I'll go first. What is your favorite color?" Hannah asked, Cas thought about it for a moment, "Military green,". Hannah smiled, "Nice, but it's not as good as blue gray."
"Wanna bet?" Castiel asked jokingly.

Hannah laughed, she was enjoying spending time with Cas. It was one of her better dates with a coworker. Hopefully there would be nothing to screw up this date.

"Alright, what about siblings?" Hannah asked, taking a sip of her coffee. Castiel sighed, "Yeah, I've got plenty of those." Hannah smiled at his reaction.

"What are their names?" she asked, intrigued. "Well, there's Anna and Lucifer who are the oldest. Then there's Gabriel,  Michael, and Balathazar. The house was pretty full growing up, I was the youngest." Cas responded.

"Wow, it must have been hell being the youngest." Hannah commented, Castiel nodded. "It really was, but somehow I survived." he said with a sarcastic sad look on his face.

"What about you, any siblings?" Cas asked. Hannah took another sip of her coffee before responding. "I was an only child, but I was close with my cousin Naomi."

Castiel almost spit out his coffee, "Wait! Naomi Rosenberg?" he asked frantically. Hannah's eyes widened, "How do you know who that is?" she asked, concern lacing her voice

Cas never knew about his sister Naomi until he was in his mid twenties. They had the same mother but a different father, his mom left them a year after Cas was born.

His mother left with the child she conceived with the man she was cheating on his father with. His mom went to stay with her sister that had a child, Naomi wasn't very talkative with her brothers and sisters so no one knew much about her.

"She's my half sister." Castiel responded, still surprised about what was going on. Hannah's eyes went wide, she tried to say something but nothing came out.

She got her bearings and spoke, "This is up there with some of my worst dates ever." she started to chuckle, emotions everywhere. "You know, I was actually going to hook up with you. I definitely can't do that now." she continued.

Castiel cut her off, "I liked you too, don't get me wrong, but you're right. We can't be together, that's not right." his voice lowering.

Hannah nodded her head, it happened again, another date got screwed up. She was used to it now, but this one was bad. On top of it all, she has to work with him and see him every day.

She calmed herself down and said that it was all gonna be fine, she'll move on like always. "This is how I'll think of it, I just met my cousin and I'd like to get to know him more. What do you think?" she asked.

Castiel gave her a small smile, "That sounds good." he responded. They were at that cafe for hours, talking about their childhood and Cas got to hear what his half sister was like when she was younger. 

For some reason, talking as long lost cousins was much easier than talking to each other on a date. Although, both were relieved that they didn't let their relationship go further so there wouldn't be much conflict when they found out that they're family.

The date ended on a happy note, they exchanged numbers and promised to talk often. Before leaving the cafe he texted Dean,

Dude. I have a lot to tell you, I need a mixture of booze and comfort. Can I get your address?

Cas put his phone in his pocket and waited patiently for Dean's response

'Yeah man (address) date must have gone pretty bad'  Dean responded

'Thanks, I'll tell you when I get there'  Cas texted back

//Roar, I took so long to update sorry about that. School is hell, hope it's going good for you guys. I'm gonna try my best to update frequently, feel free to message me on here if you want me to update soon.//

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