Chapter 10- Dirty Dancing

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Castiel wasn't sure when his crush on Dean started. It could have been from the moment he met him or a few minutes ago when he decided to dance. When it started wasn't important, what mattered was that it was there and there was nothing he could do about it.

As he walked over to the rack of clothes he felt two strong arms around his shoulders. "Hey Cassie, long time no see," his former co-worker Balthazar said happily. "Hey Balthazar," Cas said nonchalantly, he's always been a bit arrogant for Castiel's taste.

Balthazar released Cas and stood face to face with him. "I heard that you're gonna be on stage again, can't wait to see it. I noticed that you had a friend in the audience, make sure that you're doing your best for him," Balthazar said knowingly. "I'm not trying to impress him, he's just a friend that is helping me get through a hard date," Castiel said defensively.

Balthazar had a feeling that Cas was lying but decided not to push any buttons. "Gotcha Cassie, now go get dressed, we haven't gotten rid of your signature costume yet," Balthazar said before leaving Castiel alone.

Before grabbing his clothes he walked quickly over to the DJ booth and whispered something in the guy's ear. He wanted to make sure that this would go smoothly and with the best reaction. Cas wanted the perfect song to dance to for Dean and he was sure that he had found it, he remembered hearing it in a cassette marked "Dean's top 13 Zepp Traxx" in the car. (Season 12 Episode 19 Reference)

He looked at the rack of clothing before him and sifted through them, looking for his costume that the crowd loved. Cas looked at the other articles of clothing that his old co-workers wore and had a wave of nostalgia go through him. He finally found his costume, it was a pair of white angel wings, halo, white fishnet tights, small white underwear with a gold hem and the word angel across the back, and pink pastel boots.

He quickly ran to one of the dressing rooms and put on his costume, thankfully he hadn't lost his toned muscles so he could have the extra sex appeal. Castiel looked at himself in the mirror and memories of many nights at this place came flooding into his mind. He remembered his first night and how nervous he was, this was before people knew that he was good and had a stage name.

Cas walked out of the dressing room to find a group of three people that he knew rather well. There was Gabriel, that guys loves sweets. Sam, Gabe's boyfriend. And Balthazar. "Hey guys," Cas said happily. "Hey Cassie," Gabriel said with a smirk on his face, knowing how much that nickname was hated.

"Hello Gabe. I told you to stop calling me that," Castiel said with a slight attitude. "Ignore him, we all know how he is," Sam piped in, Cas nodded his head in agreement. "I saw my brother, Dean come in with you. Are you guys together?" Sam asked, scrunching his forehead in curiosity.

Castiel stumbled with his words at first, " we're not together. I just had a rough date and he said that he'd help me feel better by taking me to a strip club. I told him about this job that I used to have and he was fine with it. But then Lucifer came over and asked me to dance, Dean told me to, it's not my fault." Castiel felt nervous, Sam was a rather large guy and he didn't want to get pummeled.

Gabe and Balthazar shared a look, Sam burst out laughing, "Dude, it's ok. Dean is a big boy and I'm his little brother, I don't care who he's with. Although, him telling you to dance says something." Castiel sighed, it's a good thing that Sam wasn't mad, but now he was pondering on his comment on Dean telling him to dance.

"Good. Anyway guys, I've got to get on stage. See you after," Cas said and waved to his friend's before going to the curtain that separates the stage from backstage.

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