Chapter 7- FUCK(Angrily)

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Fast forward to Friday

Castiel knocked on Dean's classroom door, he opened it a few moments later. "Hey man. How's it going?" "Pretty good, I have woman problems and I seriously need some help." Cas said quickly.

It was lunch break so they only had a bit of time to talk. Dean opened the door wider so Cas could walk through. He sat at his desk and went into psychologist mode while Cas stood.

"Did something bad happen with Hannah?" Dean asked, Cas twiddled with his fingers then finally responded, "I asked her out on a coffee date for tomorrow and she said yes."

"Wait how is that a bad thing?" he asked, confused. Cas looked at him with wide eyes, "She said yes, and I'm not sure if I even want to go anymore. I get nervous."

"Ok..I think I got it now. So you're too nervous and you don't want to go anymore but at the same time you do?" Dean asked. Castiel nodded his head.

"Alright, well this is pretty natural. It's ok to be nervous, if you want I can pretend to be Hannah and you practice with me." Dean said smiling.

Cas took a moment to think about it, "I guess so. It wouldn't be too weird for you?" "Nah, it's fine. We can do it after school, don't freak out." Dean replied reassuringly.

"Dean you are a lifesaver. Thanks." Cas said as he walked towards the door. "Your welcome." he replied. Castiel left and Dean was alone in his classroom waiting for students to come in.

Fast forward to the end of the day.

"Alright, ready to do this?" Dean asked. He had set up two chairs and a table in between them for their mock date. "Yep." Cas responded, Dean sat down first then Cas.

It was silent for a while, "What should we be talking about? Work, life, favorite things?" Castiel asked. Dean chuckled, "Dude, you are thinking way too much into this. Just go with the flow, I'll start the conversation. So Castiel, what made you come to Siox Falls?" Dean asked in a high pitched voice.

Cas laughed, "Well I wanted to have a fresh start. I needed to leave my ex-husband and go somewhere. My family and I lived here for a bit so I decided to come back." Cas responded.

Dean's face softened, "Sorry about that." he said with his regular voice.
"it's fine, that's the past." Cas said.

"What made you become a teacher?" Dean asked, "Not sure, I just wanted to be one. There was no reason really, but I like my job. Now it's my turn to ask you questions."

"Good! Chicks love when you care about them. You're doing pretty good." Dean said smiling. In the back of his mind he was jealous of Hannah, it looked like Cas was really trying.

They went back and forth like this for the next hour. "Alright man, I think you're all set. It may be a little hard to but make sure you tell her that you're bisexual. Hannah seems like a nice person but that's the true test." Dean said as he put the desks back in order.

Castiel nodded his head, "I hope so, if not I have to see her every day. I'd be really mad that she wouldn't be with me just for that. I better go, I'll text you how it went."

"Ok, have fun." Dean said as Cas walked out the room. Dean thought about the situation for a moment, he was helping his crush get the girl that he likes. "That makes a lot of sense" Dean said aloud.

He went home and dedicated the rest of the day to relaxing. Dean was curious to see how Cas' date went but he would have to wait.

//This actually happened to me. I had a crush on my best friend (a guy) and he had a crush on another girl. He needed help figuring out how to work things out with her so they could be together. I knew the girl so I kind of helped them get together. It's weird I know, why would I help if I could sabotage it all? Not sure, I guess I just wanted to help him out, their relationship didn't work out and one day I randomly said that I liked him but he didn't share the same feeling. Its all good, I didn't feel bad I just wanted to tell him.
Sorry for having you listen to my boring story and for the late update. Have a great day/night everyone!

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