Chapter 4- The First Day

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It's Castiel's first day at work, he ended up oversleeping and had to get ready in ten minutes. He wasn't even paying attention to what he was putting on, all that mattered was that he had clothes on.

Cas grabbed a blueberry muffin from his kitchen, grabbed his trench coat and briefcase, then ran out the door. He got there ten minutes before the bell rang, he barely had enough time to set up his lesson for the day.

As he was opening his classroom door he saw Dean standing in front of his own classroom.

"Hey Dean. How's it going?" Cas said, "Not bad. How about you? You look like a pair of eight year old girls dressed you, here let me help." Dean responded. "I'm tired, but you don't have to help me with my clothes." Castiel told the green eyed man.

Dean waved his hand, dismissing the comment, he loosened his tie and straightened his collar, "Thanks." Cas said. Dean stood back and admired his work, he thought he Castiel looked amazing, but would never say it out loud.

He nodded, "Now you look better. Anyway, you have a class to teach, good luck with that." Dean said before going into his own class leaving Cas in the hallway.

Castiel took a deep breath and went into his class, he quickly set up all of his stuff and sat down, waiting for the students to come piling in.

Soon enough his entire classroom was filled with loud, rambunctious, hormonal teens. In the very front was a redheaded girl with a Doctor Who shirt who introduced herself as Charlie.

Cas complimented her shirt and she nearly went ballistic that a teacher liked the show, which made him smile. He introduced himself and went straight into a lesson about Alexander the Great.

Throughout the entire class, it seemed like only two students were paying attention, he tried to quiet the class down but he gave up after a while. Castiel looked at the clock and sighed, it was only first period and all he wanted to do was leave.

Now he knew why the last guy quit, near the end of the class he heard a knock at the door, he opened it and in came Mr. Singer. The entire class went quiet, Cas would have said something 'not so nice' if his job wouldn't be in the balance.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing, and by the looks of it you're doing just fine.". Mr. Singer looked at the class,"Make sure you guys don't give Mr. Novak a hard time." he said, then walked out of the room.

Castiel let out a sigh of relief, the class went back to their chattering, and he went back to teaching the two students that were paying attention.

Finally class was over and he was able to get a few minutes of rest until the next class came in. The next two classes went by exactly like the first one, it was tiring but he realized that it was a lost cause to try and get them to be quiet.

Finally it was lunch break, Castiel nearly ran out of the room when the bell rang. He was greeted by Dean practically doing the same thing, "finally I can get a break, it felt like ages." Cas said, "Yeah, that happens." Dean responded.

They walked to the teacher's lounge, in the corner of his eye, Castiel saw a woman that caught his eye. He nudged Dean, "Who's that?" he whispered, "That's Hannah." he responded and went back to what he was doing.

It felt quite odd for Castiel, he hasn't felt like that attracted to someone he's never met in a while. He made a mental note to talk to her sometime today, no matter what.

//Please don't hate me for putting a love interest between Castiel and Hannah. I need some drama in here, granted I could have put that one of them got hurt but I see that everywhere and I want to make mine different. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying this.//

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