Chapter 6- OH NO

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The school day was over, and so was Castiel's first day. He didn't find it terrible, but he didn't think it was great either. He left his classroom and was greeted by Dean, waiting in the hallway for him.

"Sorry I took so long, those kids really do give you a run for your money." he said. Dean shrugged, "Before we go, I just a have one question. What was going on between you and Hannah earlier today?". Dean didn't really want to know, he was afraid that he'd get jealous, and that's not the best emotion.

Castiel was quiet for a moment, "I'm not sure, from what I know so far she's pretty and nice." he paused, "Can I tell you something?" he asked the green-eyed man. Dean nodded, anxious to hear what he was about to say, "I haven't been with a woman in a while, I kind of forgot how to act. Do you have a problem with that?" Cas said finally.

"Not at all, in fact, I haven't been with a woman since high school. It's nothing to be ashamed of." Dean responded quickly. Cas let out a relieved sigh, "I'm not even sure if I can call it a crush, I've been bisexual for a really long time, but my feelings have usually swayed to men. God, this is so confusing." Cas said.

Dean smiled at his little outburst, it was kind of cute. Castiel noticed him smiling, "What's that for?" he asked, pouting a bit. "It's nothing." was all Dean said in response. Cas didn't want to pry, "Anyway, thanks for listening. I'm glad I have someone I can confide in.". Dean was glad to hear that Cas was warming up to him.

"Step into my office so we can discuss how to teach these little demons people call teenagers." Dean said as he motioned toward his classroom door. Castiel nodded and walked into his classroom.

Dean sat at his desk while Cas sat in one of the student's desks, Dean went to the mini fridge in the back of his room and took out a beer. "Want a beer?" he asked, Cas wasn't sure at first, he didn't want to get in trouble."Sure." he said, he felt that he deserved one, he couldn't really get in a lot of trouble since there aren't any students around.

Cas grabbed the beer and thanked him, "Hannah was talking to me about some tactics she uses. One of them was if a large amount of the class is talking she just stops teaching. Believe it or not, the students that are actually trying to learn and get mad and tell the other kids to shut up." he said chuckling lightly.

Dean smiled then took a drink from his beer, "Wait a minute, that actually works?" he asked. "It works somewhat well, I tried it today and I had their attention for a lot longer than usual. You should have seen Charlie shouting at a group of guys to 'shut the hell up' " Castiel responded chuckling.

"Haha, I've got to try that. Do you know what pubescent teens want to learn in health class? I'm failing miserably here." Dean asked. "I know I liked learning CPR, it always fascinated me." Cas responded.

"yeah, that sounds great. I'll have to talk to Mr. Singer about it, but I think he'll be on board. Have you figured out what makes your class tick yet?" Dean asked. "They seem to like wars, and people that create controversy. So violence and debatable things." Cas responded.

"Well, those are the more fun things to learn about in history." Dean said. Cas shrugged, he wasn't wrong. "Let's put together some PowerPoints for these little shits." Dean said, "Yeah." Cas responded.

They worked on PowerPoints and drank beer until the janitor kicked them out. The time seemed to slip away. They said their goodbyes and left.

//Sorry I took so long to update, I spent a long time with a pile of homework and a bottle of Advil next to me. Hope you guys liked it!

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