Chapter 15 - Playing With Fire

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This chapter does have some PG-13 things (not smut) so if you don't want to read that I'm sorry, but this chapter is not for you.

Dean has been enjoying "flipped switch" Castiel, he's been learning how to control it to his whim. It's almost like a game. He found that if he tried to tease Cas, the other's inner Hulk would force his way out and put Dean right back in his place.

Dean tricked himself into believing that this was all normal. That at the beginning of every relationship there was this whole phase of the two not being able to keep their hands off of each other since it was so new and exciting. That's the reasoning that stuck in his head.

Castiel was more primal, less humane almost. Like doing these things to Dean was the end all and be all of his existence and he planned on going out with a bang. But that really was how Cas felt. He knew exactly what was wrong with him, but he sure as hell wasn't willing to face it or burden Dean with the things of his past that may make him run for the hills. So, hell yeah he was going to go out with a bang because once Dean knew the truth, he would call him crazy or a loose cannon.

Not that Castiel would blame him. That's exactly what it was, a loose cannon moment. A moment when he didn't get the chance to think clearly and bad things happened because of it. That's why he came here, it was a fresh start where no one knew his name or what he had done.


Dean found that his favorite part of "flipped switch" Castiel, was the lap dance he requested and actually got. The green-eyed man couldn't believe his luck, ever since that night, he had wanted one of those dances all for himself and finally, he got the courage to ask.

Cas played "Custard Pie" just like that night, it was just icing on the cake. For that specific dance, Cas chose to wear a dark red fishnet shirt with black booty shorts to show off. Dean decided to sit in a chair with no armrests for this particular event. The room was lit only by candles, casting a faint light on the two.

Just like the night not so long ago, the voice of Robert Plant rang through his head. "Drop down baby, let your daddy see. Drop down, mama, just dream of me..." Cas looked Dean right in the eyes as he walked slowly, almost predator like, towards him. His movements reeked of lust, Cas brought up a hand to brush from his crotch all the way across his chest. The hem of his shirt got caught between his thumb and index finger, giving Dea a good look at his damn near flawless skin shining in the orange candlelight.

"Put on your night shirt and your morning gown. You know by night I'm gonna shake 'em down."

Castiel finally made it over to Dean. He straddled the other's hips and started to rock back and forth, both men enjoying the feeling. Dean brought up a hand to touch Cas, but the raven-haired man grabbed on to his wrist before it could reach his chest, "No touching," he told Dean rather forcefully. Dean didn't want to admit it, but he was really turned on. "Flipped switch" Cas mixed with "Controlling" Cas is the best. Castiel put down Dean's hand and moved down to his neck where he sucked and bit the sensitive skin.

Dean was going crazy, not only was he turned on, but he couldn't even touch Castiel. Meanwhile, Cas was busy pressing his hips into Dean's and having their bodies flush together. Dean groaned loudly in pleasure, wanting a bit more, he pushed his hips up to meet Castiel's when the raven-haired man stood up, "Uh uh uh. Not now," Cas told him in a commanding voice, 'God, this is hot' Dean thought to himself.

Castiel put his arms on Dean's shoulder's anchoring himself in place as he bounced his ass up and down on Dean's hips to the beat of the song. Cas let go of Dean's shoulders and brought them over his head, dancing by rocking side to side and creating a heated friction between the two men.

Cas got up and straddled Dean's hips again, but this time, his behind was facing the other's chest. Castiel started off with moving his perky ass from left to right. He traced his fingers from his thighs up to his behind, picking up the edge of his shorts, showing off his beautiful ass. Dean watched intently as Castiel performed for him, he was getting more and more aroused by the second.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Castiel asked darkly. Dean took a moment to respond, his mind wasn't completely with him, he was just thinking about how much better this would be if there was a pole for Cas to dance on. "Hell yeah," was all the man was able to say, Castiel rubbed both his cheeks slowly, kneading the skin beneath his fingers.

Dean was about to reach forward to touch Castiel, but then he remembered what happened the last time and decided that it probably wasn't the best idea to do so.

"I like your custard pie
When you cut it mama, mama please save me a slice oh
Drop down, drop down, drop down
(I chew on a piece of your custard pie)"

And the song ended all too quickly. Castiel stood up once again and walked out the room without saying a word. Dean was left alone completely stunned and turned on. He got up and quickly chased after Cas hoping to get a bit more special treatment.

I finally did that lap dance you guys were requesting!!

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