Chapter 3- Bonding

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Castiel took a key out of an orange envelope that the office had given him, he put it into the door's lock and opened it.

Cas went in first, then Dean, "You know I've never been in this room before. There's never been a teacher in this room in a while, it gets a little lonely sometimes." he told the blue eyed man.

"Yeah, I can tell. The whole room not being used thing, not that it gets lonely here." Cas added that last part quickly, not wanting to insult Dean.

The other teacher shook it off, not really caring if or how he messed up, "This place is a mess, it's not going to be very fun to clean.

Want some help?" Dean asked, not because he has a slight crush on the new teacher, only as a friend.

Castiel thought about it for a moment, touching a dust covered desk by accident, "Sure, I'd like that, but you're right, this place is disgusting. We need trash bags, brooms, and gloves."

"Yeah, we can get those from a janitors closet. Just be careful, you might find some students making out." Dean said chuckling.

After getting what they needed, the two men went to work. Dean put on some music (rock of course), Cas had never heard any of the music before, earning him a scolding from Dean, but he ended up liking it.

The room had previously been used for another history teacher so the posters and other equipment was still there.

It took them until school ended to finish cleaning, "My god, you'd think that this place cleaned these rooms once in awhile." Cas said, holding a trash bag.

"Nope, but I guess it does give you a sense of completion once you've seen it done." Dean commented. Cas nodded, "Lets get this trash out of here. Where's the dumpster?" "Its around the back." Dean responded.

The two men grabbed the bags and walked to the back of the school where the dumpsters were.

Once they were done, they sat in Castiel's room and looked at all their hard work, "I wasn't expecting to use my day off for cleaning, but I guess it was worth it." Dean told Cas.

Castiel nodded his head, "Thanks for the help, I think I would have been here for a while if you didn't offer to help. Oh uh, would you mind giving me your number? Just in case I need help making a lesson or if you just want to hang out."  Cas asked.

"Sure, give me your phone." Dean responded. The two exchanged numbers, "Well, I better get going. I have a few papers to grade, but I'll see you tomorrow." Dean told the younger teacher as he got up from his seat.

Once Dean was gone, Cas packed up his stuff and went home.

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