Chapter 9- Strip Clubs

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It took Castiel twenty minutes to get to Dean's house from the cafe. Dean's house was two stories and painted gray. His front door was dark brown stained wood, Cas liked it. He walked up to the door and knocked four times, a few moments later he heard footsteps coming to the door. Cas was greeted by Dean in jeans and white t-shirt.

"Hey," Cas said, "Hey, come on in," Dean motioned for him to come inside. Castiel walked into Dean's cozy home and took in his surroundings. He had white tile and pale blue walls with white furniture in the middle of the common area. "Nice place," Cas finally said after a few moments of silence.

"Thanks. Now, I have the booze and I'm ready to comfort you to the best of my abilities. What happened on your date? I'm guessing it didn't go too well," Dean said, pointing to his kitchen where he has booze on display. Castiel smiled, Dean had an incredible amount of alcohol, it's a wonder how he's not dead yet.

"Woah, that's a lot," Cas commented. There were three different types of whiskey and about three of each. Then there were multiple cases of beer in a few different flavors, the night will definitely be going to be a 'share your feelings' kind of time.

"Yeah, I'm quite proud of it. You should feel honored, I don't share my booze with just anyone. You can grab anything you want and if needed, there are cups next to the whiskeys," Dean told him. Castiel laughed, "Well thank you, I definitely feel special." He walked closer to the counter and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey with a cup.

Dean got his own cup so he could get some of the whiskey Cas chose as well. "Let's go sit down," Dean said, he went over to his couch and sat down, Cas sat right next to him and place his cup on the table in front of him and poured a good amount of the liquid inside. Dean did the same for himself.

"Alright. what in the hell happened on your date that caused you to go to that extreme?" Dean asked, pointing at all the liquid in Castiel's cup. "Well, long story short, Hannah's my cousin. She's my mom's sister's kid, and Naomi, my sister is her cousin as well. Family was the topic of the conversation and she asked about siblings, she mentioned Naomi, and then the truth was out." Cas spoke quickly.

"So Hannah is your cousin, your mom's sister's kid, and you fond this out because Hannah told you about her? Did I get that right?" Dean asked. "Yeah, that sounds right," Cas nodded his head. "I'm sorry about that, that must have been right up there with the worst dates in history. But think about it like this, you are still single, which means that we can go to a strip club to make you feel better. The only question now is whether you want to see men or women dancing on a pole," Dean said.

"Thanks. That offer sounds great, I'll go with men, women don't sound that good right now. But it's late. When does this place close." Castiel asked. "Four thirty a.m." Dean responded quickly. "Did you just have that answer on the top of your head?" Cas asked, "I go there frequently, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Finish your drink and we can head out, you can finally get a ride in my amazing car," Dean said.

"Never said it was anything to be ashamed of," Cas put his hands up showing that he didn't mean to offend him. He tilted his head back and downed the rest of his drink, he winced at the burning sensation at the back of his throat. "Let's see if this car is as amazing as you say it is Castiel challenged.

"Don't you play like that. My baby is the best car ever, and I care about what she looks like. I saw your car when you got here, you obviously don't care about your car, give me a week and I can fix that beige hunk of metal." Dean said cockily.

Castiel laughed at his rant, "Alright, Alright, I take that back. But I will take you up on that offer, I'm curious to see what you can do with my car." Cas put his glass down and got up off the couch to join Dean inside the garage to look at his car.

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