Chapter 14 - A Flipped Switch

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Dean stayed over at Castiel's place for a bit longer and ended up leaving around 11:00 pm on a school night no less.

The two men had distracted themselves from the earlier incident by playing cards and drinking beer for hours. It was very fun according to Dean's memory, mostly because he won a bulk of the games they played. But it seemed that Cas was particularly good at playing poker and finally gave Dean a good challenge. 

Dean remembered a lot of laughing when Cas got super serious and furrowed his brows in concentration. It was absolutely adorable.

How did this happen? When did Dean become so smitten? And more importantly. How does Castiel feel? Obviously, when he had told the raven-haired man that he loved him, there was a switch that turned on in Cas, just for a moment, but the light turned on. He seemed...sad, pained almost. Like the word "love" had a past for him, and not a very good one. 

Dean thought about it and came up with a few options.

1. Shower Cas with affection and gifts to the point where he becomes comfortable again. 

2. Ask him straight up.

3. Ignore it and hope it goes away.

He had no idea what to do, but for the moment, he decided that sleep was his best option and that's what he did. 

---Time Skip to The Next Morning At School---

Castiel was about to open the door to his classroom when he noticed Dean sitting in his own room grading papers. He knocked on Dean's door and waited for him to open it. A few moments later he was, once again, face to face with his handsome green-eyed boyfriend, Cas smiled. Dean smirked and grabbed on to the raven-haired man's arm and pulled him into his dimly lit classroom. Hiding behind the solid part of the door rather than the glass, Dean kissed Cas long and hard with his hands on the other's chest gripping his collar. He soon felt Castiel kiss him back with equal passion and they stayed in total sync for a while. 

The two men released each other from their kiss. Cas was still a little buzzed from the night before and the surprise of Dean pulling him into the room so suddenly. "What was that for?" Castiel asked panting, "I did it for fun," Dean replied with a smirk. "I liked it," Cas told him, "You should do it more often," "Then I will," Dean assured him.

Castiel placed a small, featherlight kiss on the bridge of Dean's nose and told him, "Good, I also like it when you're rough with me. It's very arousing." Dean didn't have time to fully register what Cas had said. In that moment the raven-haired man had all the power that Dean had just stolen with a kiss, and it was refreshing. He also didn't get a chance to say anything else because of course, right then and there, the bell rang and Castiel left the room with a smirk on his face and a playful look in his eyes.

Dean wondered what had come over Cas. He wasn't like that before, maybe it was all the beer from the night before. At least, that's what he hoped. If that wasn't the case, it seemed like Dean did turn on a switch that hasn't seemed to turn off yet. But maybe it wasn't such a bad thing, confident, arrogant, playful Cas didn't seem too bad, it would certainly be a good thing for his sex life. (Oh my. How did that get there?)

The rest of the time before lunch went by extremely slowly. Finally, it was time for the couple to see each other again after their moment this morning. Dean walked through the empty-ish hallway on his way to a break room and as he was passing a janitor's closet he felt a hand grab his arm and already he knew that he was going to be felt up in a closet by Castiel.

15 minutes later

First out was Dean, his hair was all kinds of messed up which he knew he would have to fix later. Then came Castiel with a passive look on his face, not at all sorry for what had just happened in that closet. "Damn it Cas. We're at work!" Dean exclaimed, "Keep your voice down. We don't need anyone else knowing what happened in that closet, I want to keep that idea strictly in both our heads for future reference." Yet another playful remark by "flipped switch" Castiel and a smile on the side. 

Dean sighed and continued to straighten himself up while Cas watched in amusement at this new side of Dean that's been adapted to his own "flipped switch" behavior.

Dean officially knew that something was off, but he thought that first, he should enjoy the rewards of this new side of his boyfriend first and then deal with the burning question of why and how he could turn it back off.

So that was an interesting two hours of my life. I wanted to make it good and with drama, without destroying the whole foundation I have set for this story. I am afraid of what you guys think considering that this is new territory for me and I'm hoping it wasn't a bad experience for you guys to read this. Well, that's all for now. Ciao!

P.S. Yes, I'm going to name the chapters from now on.

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