Chapter 12- Another Date

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Castiel stirred awake, the thoughts of his and Dean's activities earlier made him blush into his pillow. He could feel Dean's warm body spooning him from behind, he didn't want to wake him so he stayed still and stared at the door lost in his thoughts.

Thoughts like 'We actually did that' and 'What the hell happens now?' went through his head. Cas then brought up vivid images of their time together not three hours ago. It started out so normal, he was making breakfast and Dean was asleep. Then he acted on impulse, on a whim, but he didn't regret it one bit.

Castiel knew that there would be some confusion and possibly some silence, but he didn't regret what he did, not ever. Cas got tired of laying there, a mix of stress and adrenaline roaring through his system. He slowly got out of Dean's sleepy embrace and sat up on the edge of the bed. He looked around and found his underwear, they were still wet. Cas decided to just go commando and put on some underwear when he got back to his place.

As he was putting on his jeans he heard a low, raspy voice come from behind him. "Don't you dare hide that little ass from me. Keep your pants off," Dean told him. Castiel smiled, "Alright," he took them off and placed them on the floor. "I'm hungry. What should we eat?" Cas asked. Dean was awake, but groggy now, "Hmm. Pie?" He suggested. "Figures, but you have to eat food with protein. We can count it as a date," Castiel said.

Dean groaned, "Fine. Only because you are amazing in bed and I have to pay you back," Castiel smiled again, "You're amazing too. But, going out means I have to put on clothes. Are you ok with that?" Cas said the last part with a smug tone. "Damn it. I don't want you to, but go ahead," he pouted. "Haha. Alright, you do the same, I know exactly where we should go," Castiel said.

---45 minutes into the future---

Castiel brought Dean to a diner with authentic grease filled burgers, fatty milkshakes, and waitresses with tiny uniforms. (he wasn't checking them out. Not with Cas there) They were sitting in a booth by a window. "Cas, you are the best boyfriend ever!" Dean exclaimed. "Oh. Uh..sorry about that. I don't know what we are. I just got excited" Dean rambled. Castiel shut him up with a kiss, "Don't worry, I like it," he reassured him.

Dean ordered a bacon burger with fries, a chocolate milkshake, and a slice of blueberry pie. Castiel got nachos and a strawberry milkshake. "Is this better than your last date?" Dean asked. "Definitely. I'm not as nervous on this one, probably because I've already seen you naked," Cas responded. "That is a good thing, I know I absolutely love seeing your ass and I don't need you getting nervous and hiding it from me," Dean said with his mouth full, "Dean! We're in public," "You started it" he defended. Cas sighed in amusement.

They ate the rest of their meal and left the diner and walked aimlessly while talking. "So, I've contributed something to this date, now it's your turn to choose something," Castiel said, "Well, let's see, we could go watch a movie. I always like going on movie dates because it let's me know what kind of a person you are while watching a movie. Personally, that's pretty damn important," Dean suggested.

Castiel chuckled, "Alright, that's some sound reasoning. But instead of going to the movies with loud people and a few movies to pick from, we could head over to my place and pick something from my very large movie collection." Dean nodded his head, "Are you just trying to get in bed with me? 'Cause if you are, I'm gonna have to say no. We're supposed to be in a proper relationship and not screw constantly." "No! Just casual," Castiel said quickly, "Alright, in that case, let's get going."

Fifteen minutes later, they show up at Castiel's apartment

Dean was happily sitting on the couch as Cas was looking at a shelf he kept on the far side of his living room. Dean had insisted that they buy some snacks because movies always have to have snacks to go with them or it isn't fun. Castiel never knew how many movies he owned until it was time to pick one randomly. "There's a lot to pick from. Would you rather comedy, action, or adventure?" Cas asked Dean who was already eating the popcorn they were supposed to save for the movie, "Action and Adventure," Dean responded. "Sounds good."

After a few more moments of looking for a movie, Cas finally figured one out. "How about 'Doctor Strange'? I love it, he's my favorite Marvel superhero," Castiel said excitedly. Dean looked at him and smiled at his childlike excitement, "I approve, Benedict Cumberbatch is awesome." "Definitely. One of my favorite British actors," Castiel said. He put it in his PS4 (since it doubles as a DVD player. Super convenient by the way) and started the movie.

Two hours later, when the movie had finished, Dean found himself laying comfortably on Castiel's lap. As the credits rolled Cas said, "It's only the afternoon, we could go somewhere else if you want," Dean looked up at him, "I think I'm good right here, no need to move." Cas laughed, "Alright, that's fine," he leaned down to give Dean a chaste kiss then sat back up and closed his eyes to drift off to sleep again with his new boyfriend.

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