Smut for Chapter 11

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Dean set Castiel on the bed.They resumed their kissing from earlier, but this time it was hungrier, more ‘sex’ like. Dean pulled off his shirt quickly, not wanting to stop what they were doing.  Soon Cas wanted more, he tugged at Dean’s waistband, trying to pull down his pants. Dean got the message and took off his pants. Dean looked at his Castiel in only boxers, he could see a wet spot caused by Cas’s leaking cock. Dean licked his lips seductively, Cas only looked up at his lover and think of the amazing things he was about to do. Dean teased Cas by stroking his hard member, Cas shuddered in response. Dean smirked when he saw Cas unravel below him, he took off his boxers and ordered Castiel to do the same. Now fully naked, Dean went down to Cas’s leaking cock and licked the precum, the bitter tase exploding in his mouth. Without warning Dean took all of Cas in his mouth, gagging a bit when the tip hit the back of his throat. He started bobbing his head up and down while swallowing around him. “Ah that again.” Cas told Dean, he swallowed around him again, making the man cry out. Cas was a moaning mess under him, “D-Dean I’m close!” Cas managed to say. Dean stopped what he was doing immediately causing Cas to let out a whimper, “No, I want this to last as long as possible.” Dean said. Now that Cas had calmed down a bit, Dean was ready to continue. He grabbed a bottle of lube from his nightstand and got ready to pour it on his fingers, “No, I want you inside of me now. No prep.” Cas said, “Are you sure, I don’t want to hurt you?” Dean asked, “Yes”. Dean poured the lube on his hard member, he looked at Castiel’s hole and put the tip on top, teasing him a bit before going in. Cas moved back, trying to get Dean’s cock inside, Dean allowed it only because it was their first time together. He put it in slowly, he heard Cas take in a sharp breath and stopped, “keep going.” Castiel told him. Dean continued to put it in slowly until he bottomed out, he waited a moment for Cas to adjust before moving. He started at a slow pace, but both men were already feeling the pleasure. It was obvious that Castiel was trying to keep in his moans, “I want to hear you.” Dean said, a few loud moans and whimpers could be heard coming from the smaller man’s mouth. Dean went faster now, he thrusted at different angels, looking for Castiel’s prostate. He knew he found it when Cas shouted his name, Dean hit the bundle of nerves harder every time. “Dean-oh-mm!” was all Cas was able to let out. Both of them were moaning loudly, they would probably get a complaint later for all the noise, that didn’t matter at the moment. Cas came shouting Dean’s name, Dean came moments later, coming hard into Cas. He pulled out, leaving Cas feeling empty. Their bed and some of Cas was covered in cum, Dean planned on dealing with that when they got up, now, he wanted to hold Castiel in his arms.

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