Chapter 16- Christmas goes great with secrets

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Christmas was Castiel's favorite time of year. Everything was so bright and festive, memories of his childhood come flooding back to when he made cookies with his mom or when his dad would pick him up to put the star on the tree. He was so happy back then, but at the moment, it was the exact of what he was feeling now.

It was the first Christmas after his "incident" and Cas was feeling pretty bummed out. He imagined what his mother would say if she found out what he did, there were never any following punishments, but he still didn't listen to her. Castiel's mom would always tell him to keep his hands to himself as he was an aggressive kid. For the most part he did, but in that moment he just couldn't help himself.


Dean poked his head into the doorway to Cas' bedroom. He would visit almost every day over the break to spend time with the normal Castiel when he had his moments out in the light. "Hi," he chirped, Cas stayed lost in thought, not even noticing that Dean had come in until he was laying on his chest.

"Are you okay?" Castiel asked tentatively, "No I'm not. Why the hell did we have to have our students turn in a project before Christmas break?! I'm drowning in poorly written essays and terrible grammar!" Dean just let it all out. He already hated his job as it was, but now he had to grade all their terrible crap, he couldn't stand it. "Maybe I should just quit. I could become a mechanic like my dad. That doesn't sound so bad," he continued.

Castiel was silent before responding, "I wouldn't mind if you became a mechanic. You would get muscular and your hands would be rough. Honestly, I'd love it." And he was back, "flipped switch" Castiel was in control yet again.

Dean sighed ignoring the dirtier parts of Cas' sentence, "I couldn't do that. I'd hate to prove my father right when he told me that being a teacher was a mistake. I'll just have to suck it up. Thanks for the help." Dean stood up and left Castiel alone yet again with his thoughts.

Cas couldn't stand to lie to Dean any longer and be this new person that's in a constant state of lust and bottled up emotions. He thought that it would be best to just tell him and get it over with. Though they had only been together a few months, Castiel found Dean to be almost addicting, the last thing he wanted was for that relationship to get destroyed.

"Dean! Can you come back in here?!" Castiel shouted. After a few moments Cas could hear the sound of footsteps coming back to the room. Dean stood in the doorway and leaned against it. "What's up?"

Castiel took a deep breath before telling the one secret he never thought he'd have to say. "Remember how I told you I had moved here to get a fresh start? Well I never really told you what happened that made me want to move."

Dean walked further into the room, a look of sympathy crossed his face as he saw how pained Castiel looked. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Really I don't mind," he told the raven-haired man.

"No, I really should," Castiel argued. "This explains why I've been acting so different ever since you said...that you loved me." Dean froze, waiting impatiently, yet fearfully for the rest of the story.

"So here it is. I had a girlfriend before I moved here, but it didn't end very well. Long story short, I found out she was cheating on me and I beat the crap out of the guy. He had to go to the hospital for a few months, but I was just so scared that I had hurt someone that I left without even packing a bag. The last person to say that they loved me I hurt emotionally and I hurt the guy she actually loved even more because I couldn't handle the fact that I wasn't enough. They never pressed charges against me, but I still strongly believe that it would be best to never see them again. Anyway, I thought you deserved to know why I've been like this."

Castiel couldn't bring himself to even look at Dean. The room was dead silent for a while until Cas could hear footsteps get louder and louder as they got closer to him and he felt Dean's burly arms wrap around him. This wasn't what Castiel though would happen at all, he expected Dean to get out of there so fast in fear of what Cas was capable of doing when he gets mad. Castiel continued to look at his hands, still unable to move and watched as a tear fell on his hand, he hadn't even noticed that he was crying. 

Finally, Dean spoke, "Oh, come on. We've all done stupid things now and then. I know I've beaten up my share of people, but you just have to get over it." Dean tried his best to lay next to Cas on the slim edge. Castiel buried his face into Dean's chest, wiping his tears on the soft fabric.
"Yeah, Cas?"
"I love you too."

I finally did it! The story is complete. I'll probably make some spin-off short stories, but don't quote me on that.  I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'm more than grateful that you stuck around with my horrible updating times, so thank you so much for that.
Thanks for reading!

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