Chapter 11- The Night After

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The fluffiness is coming! Be prepared. It will be adorable.

Dean woke up on a couch that he didn't recognize until he remembered the events of the night before. He looked at a table next to him and checked his phone for the time, it was 3:00 in the afternoon. He vaguely remembered getting drunk with Cas while they were at that strip club and enjoying something that he couldn't quite remember at the moment.

He smelled something good wafting in from the kitchen. Dean's senses soon came into full effect and he heard shuffling and sizzling coming from the kitchen. He stood up, still in the clothes he was wearing the night before. Dean immediately felt dizzy after standing up, he held on to the chair to stop himself from falling over.

Dean blinked hard to get the sleepiness out of his eyes. He was greeted by Castiel in nothing but his boxers, suddenly all the memories of the night before came flooding in. Cas' dance, the drinking, the kiss. Dean was worried for a moment, thinking he made a mistake until another bit of that memory came back. Cas saying that he enjoyed the kiss made him feel better.

"Hey. What are you making?" Dean asked, his voice raspy. "Chocolate chip pancakes, I don't know if you like them, but I took a risk. If you don't like them I can make something--" Cas was cut off, "Don't worry about it, I love chocolate chip pancakes.....Is this awkward for you? I remember your dancing and the kiss, and you enjoying said kiss. But now you're acting like you regret it and all you want is for me to leave. Is that it?" Dean asked with sadness and concern.

"No-No. Of course not," Cas responded quickly. "It's just that I've never done anything like this before. Having a crush on a guy I just met and kissing him not a month later, it's not something that I'm used to. But please don't mistake that for me not liking you," he finished. Dean sighed in relief, "Good...that's good. But I want to do this right. Castiel Novak, will you go on a date with me?" Dean asked, he stumbled forward, dizziness taking over.

"Yes I would," Cas giggled in response. "Now let's take care of that hangover. Before you get your pancakes you have to drink a cup of water," Cas told him. Dean grumbled, "Fine," and he gulped down the glass of water that Castiel had given him. He grimaced at the feeling of water going down his throat painfully. "Now you can have pancakes. How many do you want? I made a lot," Cas told him. "I want all of them," Dean responded, "Alright, I'll give you half," Castiel took five pancakes and put them on a plate.

Dean took the plate eagerly and walked over to a table not far from the kitchen. Cas had already put down a bottle of syrup. Dean picked up the bottle and poured it generously all over his pancakes. "You look as happy as a child being handed candy," Castiel said, looking at Dean. "Is that a problem?" the man at the table asked, "No, of course not. It's actually really cute," Cas chuckled. Dean smiled and turned around so Cas couldn't see the giant grin on his face.

Castiel finished making their breakfast and put everything away. He walked slowly towards Dean who had his back facing him. Cas put his hands on Dean's shoulders and felt the man below him tense his body in surprise. Dean soon relaxed and turned to face Cas. Castiel quickly leaned down and placed his lips on Dean's like they did the night before. The kiss was passionate and fiery, it only lasted all of fifteen seconds, but it wasn't enough to quench the thirst of their newfound love.

They pulled away from each other and stared into the other's eyes with content. "What happened to you wanting to do this the right way?" Cas asked jokingly. "You kissed me. Remember?" Dean responded proudly. "Oh. Yeah. I'm gonna do that again now," Cas said, before Dean could protest their lips were already locked together. They stayed like that longer than the last time, both lost in their own little bubble.

They released each other and stared into each other's eyes again. "Can we go on that date now? I kinda want to continue that," Cas asked, his voice whiny. "Ah, screw the date. Let's do this," Dean told him, his voice low and gravely. Dean stood up and picked Castiel up, holding him by his thighs with their chests flush with each other and their lips crashed into each other's.

// To be polite I have taken out the smut until the next chapter. Hope you liked this small chapter

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