25. Queen Genevieve

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     "Gold or silver, Your Majesty?" The old jeweler places two necklaces on the table by my half-empty glass of red wine. I inspect the two necklaces. The silver necklace is merely a simple chain with a diamond pendant. The chain of the gold necklace is barely visible, hidden under the many jewels.

     "Gold." I state, and my handmaid picks it up from the table. She steps behind me as I look at my apparel through the mirror. The gold necklace is gently placed over my head and around my neck, and my handmaid moves my blonde locks out of the way, gently pinning my hair into a loose, elegant low bun. "You may leave now."

     The jeweler nods, coughing into his hand as he limps out of my bed chamber.

     "You look beautiful today, Your Majesty," my handmaid shyly states, gesturing towards my red dress, embroidered with a golden pattern as she places my crown on my head.

     I let out a single chuckle. "Red really is my color, isn't it?" Picking up my wine glass and taking a sip, I begin to plan out my day. Breakfast should begin soon, so I may as well head over to the dining hall as soon as I have finished my drink. After that, I shall visit my new granddaughter. Never in my childhood had I imagined to have two grandchildren at the age of forty-two. I had never imagined a life like this at all, in fact. Marrying a Prince at sixteen years of age, having my first child at seventeen, becoming Queen at twenty-three: it all happened so suddenly.

     "Would you like some more wine, Your Majesty?" She asks, but I shake my head.

     "Not yet. Catherine does not approve of my drinking, so I will not have more than one glass in the morning," I respond. "I must go to the dining hall now, you may leave."

     She nods and hurries out of my chamber. I place my nearly empty wine glass down, smooth my dress, and take a deep breath. My blonde hair used to be loose and fall down my shoulders, and I ponder over the idea of wearing it down today. My crown is already atop my head, so it would not be worth having to fix it, since my handmaid has already left. Deciding against changing it, I stroll out of the room and down the hallway, towards the dining hall.


     "How's the baby?" My darling daughter Catherine asks Harry as we are eating our breakfast, considering Liam is not present.

     "She's incredible," my sweet boy answers with a grin on his face. Harry has always loved children, it is no surprise that he has already become attached to the new baby.

     "Have they picked a name yet?" She questions, and Harry nods.

     "Penelope," he informs us all. I turn to my husband, but sigh when I see that he is not paying any attention to the conversation. Lou never did have an interest in the lives of his children.

     "How pissed was Tadia when she found out it was a girl?" Asks his elder brother, Louis. I never did understand why my husband named his second son after himself, rather than our first.

     Harry shrugs. "She was asleep when I got there, and I left just as she was waking up. I can imagine she isn't excited, though. It's a shame such a wonderful gift could be given to someone who will never cherish it."

     "Shut up with all of that soft-hearted shit," Louis responds with a dramatic exhale. "You're making me lose my appetite."

     I sigh. "Louis, just eat your food in silence and leave Harry alone."

     That boy has been a nuisance to me ever since the moment he arrived.

     "I suppose Liam will not be attending the meeting today," my husband states. "Harry, would you like to join us?"

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