57. Lena

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     "How come you don't have any hair on your legs?" I ask Prue, who is sitting on her bed with her legs crossed. There are currently four of us relaxing on our beds, just talking about random things.

     "I do, they're just really light," Prue looks at her legs.

     "Well, it isn't fair," I look down at my own legs.

     Nellie chimes in. "Well, it's not like we can do anything about it. Only people of high class can remove body hair, it makes the rest of us feel disgusting about ourselves."

     "Why is that?" I ask. "And how would one go about removing it?"

     "I actually don't know about that," Nellie responds.

     The other girl with us speaks up. "I heard they put a sort of wax-like substance on their legs and rip it off with a cloth."

     I gasp. "Oh, my. That sounds painful. I don't think I'd ever want to go through that."

     "Too bad there isn't a less painful way," Prue says.

     "Hey, you don't get to talk," I joke. Prue and the other girls laugh along with me. "How are you feeling, by the way?"

     Prue shrugs. "The nausea is going away, which is good. Apparently, I'm nearing six months or so."

     She rubs her newly discovered baby bump, much too small to be six months along. We only recently noticed it, and Prue has been over the moon ever since.

     "That's so exciting," I smile.

     "Any names yet?" Nellie asks her.

     Prue shakes her head. "No, not yet. There are so many names, it's so hard to choose."

     "If I were you, I'd go with 'Lena'," I suggest, laughing. Prue giggles and shakes her head again.

     "Has the father suggested any names?" The other girl asks, not even bothering to ask who the father might be."

     Prue shrugs. "We haven't really talked about it yet."

     We all nod, and I can't help but yawn a bit. That damn nightmare just won't leave me alone, it kept me up all night. Edith was kind enough to give the four of us some time off today, since we've been working harder than the other girls.

     "What time is it?" Nellie asks, and we all look at the wall clock. It's nearly one in the afternoon.

     "One," I say, rubbing my eyes. Then, I remember that Harry told me this morning to meet him in his room at this time. "Oh, um, I have to go do something."

     I quickly stand up, and my head spins a bit. That's what I get for getting up too quickly. Before I can walk away, though, Prue tries to stand, as well.

     "Wait," she says, taking a bit longer to get up. "Can I come with you? I can't stay in this room all day, I'd go crazy."

     "Uh," I nervously mess with my bandages. "You should probably stay here and rest."

     "Nonsense," she smiles. "I've been resting all day, I need to walk around a bit."

     Something tells me she isn't going to drop this, so I sigh. "Sure, you can come."

     I have no idea how I'm going to pull this off. She does know about me and Harry, thanks to Prince Liam, but I don't think she knows what actually happened. To her, I'm still struggling with the fact that I never really loved Niall. And I still am, but it's been nearly a week since I realized that, and I am starting to feel less guilty about it. I'm sure Niall feels the same way. He may have even moved on from me by now.

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