98. Harry

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Everything's happening too quickly. From Mother disrupting the meeting, only to find out about the pregnancy, to Louis disrupting the meeting, only to confess that he's the one who murdered Father.

Then, it felt like everything was slowing down. I couldn't even get a word in when Mother had the guards escort Louis out of the room and all the way down to the courtyard to be executed. My brother is about to be executed, and I haven't done a thing to stop it.

Before I know it, everyone is gathered around the courtyard. I don't even know how all of this happened. I don't remember following Mother to the courtyard or meeting up with the rest of my family and Milena, who is clinging to my arm.

Louis is bent over the stone, obviously sobbing. I turn to my side and see Belladonna with her hand covering her mouth, and Catherine, who doesn't show any signs of emotion. She's still shaken up about Father's death, and now she has to say goodbye to another family member. We both do.

I look around at everyone, spotting all the maids, servants, medics, guests...everyone is here to watch my brother die.

"Harry," Milena whispers in my ear. "Please, can you stop this?"

"I don't know," I whisper back truthfully, sighing. "I...just don't know."

How did it come to this? I always knew Louis was fucked up, but I never knew he'd go too far. He murdered our own father in cold blood, and I just can't believe it. But, as insane as he is, he's still my brother, and I can't just stand here and watch his head get chopped off.

But, Mother's set on having him executed and I don't think I'll be able to stop her. As betrayed as I feel by Louis, it's nothing compared to Mother. I've never seen this vengeful side of her, and it terrifies me. She shows no remorse in ordering Louis's death, I can even sense some sort of twisted satisfaction. This isn't the woman who raised me.

She gives the order, and the executioner raises his sword. I can see Louis visibly shaking and sobbing like a child, and I can't bear to see him like this. Right as the sword is about to come down, I can't stop my outburst.


Luckily, he stops just short of reaching Louis's neck, and stares up at me. Louis lifts his head slowly, his wide, reddened eyes staring at me in confusion. Mother turns around to me, bewildered by my outburst.

"Harry?" She breathes, walking towards me. "What are you doing?"

"You can't do this," I shake my head once she stops walking, facing me directly. "Please, don't do this."

She chuckles. "This man is responsible for the death of your father, Harry. He must receive the maximum punishment for his crime."

I shake my head again, noticing that Milena has stepped back. "You didn't do this when we all thought Liam was the murderer. Why are you doing this to Louis? Can't you just give him the same punishment you gave to Liam, instead of killing him?"

"Sweetheart," she starts. "I love you, but you just don't understand. It's not that simple."

I can sense everyone staring at us, and I'm thankful that we're speaking low enough for only us and the few people around us can hear.

"But it is that simple," I argue, frowning. "I know what this is really about, and it's not fair to him. He didn't ask to be taken from his real mother, to be given to you, and to be lied to about his life. You didn't let the law hurt your son, but now you have no problem giving the maximum punishment to Louis. It's not fair."

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