71. Liam

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Father's announcement didn't surprise me one bit. It's gotten to the point where I almost expect him to ruin our lives even more. The thing that broke my heart, though, was Harry's face. I remember when I was going to be married to Tadia, so I know exactly what Harry's going through.

He's not strong, though. I was able to handle the pain, but I'm honestly afraid of what's going to happen to him. He is only seventeen, after all, much too young to be going through this. I was twenty-three when I was married so I had enough time to mature by then, but Harry is still a child.

I leave Harry with Penelope, knowing that holding a precious, tiny baby is exactly what he needs right now, and make my way to the dessert table, crossing my arms when I approach young Haytham.

"Haytham?" I say the boy's name, and he turns to me.

"Hey, Liam," he grins, taking a big bite out of a piece of chocolate.

"What did your father tell you about sweets?" I lean down to his level, resting my elbows on my knees. He looks around with his big, brown eyes.

"He said I can have as much as I want!" He responds, and I look at him expectantly.

"Did he really?" I raise a brow, and Haytham fervently nods. "So you wouldn't mind if I asked him about it?"

"Oh, um, don't do that! He's really, really busy and you probably shouldn't bother him," he's quick to respond, and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"I can't let you eat any sugar," I tell him, and he frowns.

"Why not?" He whines. "It's just sugar."

"You'll feel sick if you eat everything on that plate," I inform him, but he continues to pout. After a few moments, I sigh, feeling a bit bad. "Okay, you can have one piece. Just one."

Haytham's eyes light up. "Thanks!"

"Just don't tell your father," I chuckle, standing up. "Where is he, anyways?"

"I think he's talking to your dad," his voice muffles, his mouth already full of chocolate. I look around the ballroom and, sure enough, Father is having what looks like a very unpleasant conversation with Albert.

"Thanks, kid," I say, ruffling his blonde hair. "Don't eat too much chocolate or you'll get a stomachache, alright?"

He fervently nods. "Okay."

I smile at him, then turn to where Father and Albert are. Sighing, I make my way towards them, but I stop walking when I listen to what they're talking about.

"You can't possibly be serious, brother," Albert hisses, gripping his wine glass almost tight enough to break it. "Dropping a huge announcement like that without even telling Harry?"

"He is not a child, Albert," Father bites back quietly. I'm glad that they don't notice me. "Harry is old enough to know that his wedding is purely political."

"Is it?" Albert retorts.

Father cocks his head and straightens his back. "Of course it is."

Albert shakes his head in disbelief. "I've known you my whole life, Louis. I can tell when you're lying. There's no logical reason as to why you would move Harry's wedding to a week from now without even telling him. You know something, and you're trying to put a stop to it."

"You have no idea what you are talking about," Father says. I don't know how Albert hasn't backed away yet from the glare my father is giving him. It's the same glare he gives whenever he's trying to keep his composure but is about to explode.

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