53. Louis

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"Liam fucked a maid, and now she's pregnant."

I can see the blood rush out of my brother's face as Father takes a moment to process what I just said. There's no hiding the fact that I'm about to enjoy this.

Liam looks as though he's about to rip my head off, and Father clenches his fists.

He slowly turns to Liam with the Devil in his eyes. "Explain yourself." His voice is eerily calm, but his eyes are fuming.

"Uh, I-I, well, um..." Liam stutters, no doubt terrified by the look Father is giving him. Then, Liam turns to me. "You fucking demon."

I merely chuckle, and I can see anger bubbling up inside of him.

"I was about to fucking talk to him for you!" Liam shouts, ignoring Father's gaze.

"Liam," Father speaks lowly. "What the hell did you do?"

Liam takes a deep breath and anxiously paces around. "Father, I-"

"What the hell did you do?!" Father's voice booms, startling Liam while I'm trying to hold back a laugh. "Do you understand what this means? How could you be so careless, Liam?!"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't-" He stops for a moment. "We were told it was impossible! How could I have known it was going to happen?"

"Why were you having relations with a fucking maid in the first place?!" Father's voice raises, but his face remains calm somehow. I really should learn how to do that.

"Yeah, Liam, why were you having relations with a maid?" I smirk.

"You, shut the fuck up," Liam seethes, pointing at me. "You just think this is so hilarious, don't you? When exactly did you lose your soul, Louis? And have you no shame?"

"I'm not the one who should be shameful," I shrug.

Liam turns to Father, pleading, "Father, please just let this be. Leave her alone."

Father shakes his head. "I'm so disappointed in you, Liam. You know what I must do."

"No," Liam's eyes widen. "You can't execute her while she's pregnant, you know that!"

"Yes, I am aware of that. I will abide by the laws of the kingdoms," Father says after a few silent moments. "Her life is spared. For now, at least."

"What do you mean, 'for now'?" Liam furrows his brows. During their exchange, I take a few moments to think about all that happened today. Fucking Belladonna scolded me earlier today, all because I taught that stupid maid not to disrespect me. She doesn't understand that it was something I needed to do, or else Lena would have thought that her actions were acceptable.

I can't believe I actually apologized to her, what the fuck is happening to me? I've gone soft, that's what's happening to me. Something about her pisses me off, but there's something else there, as well. No, I will refuse to be wrapped around Belladonna's finger.

Then again, she actually threatened to abstain from me if I don't behave. She can't possibly be serious, though. That's not something you can just avoid for the rest of your life. I don't know a single person who has died a virgin. No one can go their whole lives without at least wanting it, Belladonna must be no different.

I can get her to want it. I know I can. All I have to do is-

"You can't do that!" Liam's voice brings me out of my thoughts. He seems like he's about to break down in tears any second now. "I'll do anything, just let her stay here."

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