66. Harry

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There's something about her that brightens the world around us, something indescribable. I can't help but be drawn to her light, the only light within the darkness I call my life. Never had I known that one person can change your entire outlook on life.

Over the course of a mere month, my sweet angel has made me fall deeply in love with her. Of course, I fell in love with her the moment I saw her, but this is a different kind of love. It's a kind of love one feels for another when they know each other well enough to feel when something is wrong, a kind of love that draws them together with an invisible force unknown to them.

She has become such a big part of my life that I don't know how I will ever survive without her. From her infectious laugh, to the strength of her spirit, she truly is astounding. The level of care and selflessness she has for her loved ones is unlike any other. She is incredibly humble and would never admit to her generosity, but Ben tells me of the sacrifices she's made for her family.

Ben and I have gotten close over the past few weeks. I've visited him at least once a day to make sure he is recovering well, and we have interesting conversations. He's a good kid, to say the least, and I feel as though he's become like a brother to me. He's certainly more of a brother to me than Louis. I enjoy spending time with him and listening to him tell stories about growing up with Lena and their elder brother, Alec.

"Oh, my God!" Lena's voice breaks my thoughts, and I look to her. She's staring at the wall clock in the corridor we've been strolling down. "I can't see Ben, I have to go to my Lady's room for the last dress fitting!"

"You should go, then," I respond. "I don't want to keep you from your duties. I'll check on Ben, and you can join us later."

She turns to me and smiles. "Thank you, please make sure he's doing well today."

"I will," I smile. "Oh, I almost forgot something. After the supper, can you meet me in my room?"

"Of course," she nods, before turning away from me. As she walks away, I can see Aiden leaving one of the rooms and crossing her path. He turns behind him to look at her with raised eyebrows as she passes by him, letting his eyes run over her for a little too long. I try my best to contain the anger boiling up inside of me, especially when his eyes fixate on her lower half.

He reaches me and chuckles. "Nice ass on that one, huh?"

My eyes widen and my head snaps towards him. "What did you just say?"

Aiden shrugs. "Just telling the truth. It'd be nice if she was a bit curvier, though. Too skinny for me, there'd be nothing to grab onto."

"Shut up," I say as calmly as I can, balling my fists. "That's no way to speak about a woman."

"Like I said, I'm just telling the truth," he shrugs, infuriating me even more. As much as I want to punch him for having impure thoughts about Lena, I can't. He would definitely know about our secret if I did. "I think I'd still do her, though. Only if I was bored. Is she any good?"

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

Aiden laughs. "Don't play dumb. You're hitting that, aren't you?"

"No, I am most certainly not 'hitting that'," I grit my teeth, trying to control my anger.

God, I want to beat the shit out of him. He's standing there, speaking about her in the most inappropriate way while insulting her body at the same time.

Composing my temper, I merely turn and walk away before I do something I regret.

"Hey, where are you going?" I hear his obnoxious voice from behind me.

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