45. Lena

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     "Lena, are you listening?"

     I snap out of my trance and am welcomed by the stern face of Edith. She's trying to teach me how to be a proper lady-in-waiting, but I just can't stop thinking about last night.

     "Um, yes, I'm listening," I assure her, and she nods.

     "Good," she continues. "So, when we arrive at Prince Louis' room-"

     "Prince Louis?" I repeat. "I thought I was to serve Lady Belladonna."

     "Well, somebody decided to wreck her room, so she is staying with Prince Louis for the time being," Edith explains. "Anyways, as her lady-in-waiting, you must..."

     Her voice drones on and on as my mind is elsewhere. It's going to be difficult to avoid Harry, he's going to want to talk about what happened. Well, I don't want to see him at all after what he did.

     Why did he even kiss me in the first place? It was completely inappropriate. Granted, he doesn't know about Niall, but he's to be married to someone else. How could he even think about such a thing as kissing someone whilst being promised to someone else?

     I turn my head slightly to look at Prue, who is still asleep in her bed. The poor woman was up all night with her stomachache. She said it was definitely worth it, though. I couldn't be more excited for my dear friend, but I can't imagine how tough it must be for her, especially since the father is Prince Liam. That baby may never know who his or her father is, and that saddens me.

     "Well, we might as well get going," Edith says once she's finished instructing me. All I could remember is that I'm supposed to help dress Lady Belladonna, but I suppose I'll figure out the rest later on.

     I follow Edith out of the maids' room and down the halls. We're quiet for most of the walk, but after a few minutes, Edith speaks up.

     "So, would you mind telling me where you were last night?" She asks, and my blood runs cold.

     "Wh...what?" I ask incredulously. "I don't know what you're talking about."

     "Darling, don't bother lying to me," she shakes her head. "I know everything that happens in this palace. I am in no way judging you, of course. Just, be careful."

     "Oh, um, it's not like that at all!" I begin to blush. "Nothing happened! I'd never- I love Niall, no one else."

     Edith chuckles. "Alright, Lena. You keep-"

     She never got to finish what she was saying, because she had abruptly stopped herself as she nearly crashed into someone. Harry.

     "Terribly sorry, Your Highness," Edith apologizes, but he doesn't respond right away. His eyes are wide, and he's staring at me. I quickly look down at the ground.

     "Um..." He says. "It's, uh, it-it's okay."

     "Well, we must get going," Edith says, trying to clear the obvious tension between me and Harry. As we begin to walk past him, he stops us.

     "Wait!" He suddenly shouts from behind us, and I close my eyes and sigh. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. "May I please have a word with Lena?"

     "No," I answer for Edith. "I am going to be incredibly busy today, I don't have time for this."

     "Lena!" Edith exclaims. "Don't be rude to the Prince. I'm sure you can spare a few minutes. I'll wait for you down the hall."

     Edith leaves me, and I feel like whining. I really, really don't want to be around Harry right now.

     "Lena," he calls my name, but I refuse to take my eyes off of the ground. "Lena, please look at me."

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