41. Liam

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     Prue is pregnant.

     Those three words are running through my mind over and over again for the past hour, and I still can't believe them. My whole world seemed to stop when the medic spoke those words, and I wasn't even able to move for the first few minutes. Then, I got hit with a sudden wave of indescribable happiness as I realized that she is actually going to have a baby, and that baby is mine. I am going to have another baby. This time, with Prue.

     This is something I had always wanted, to have a child with her. It wasn't until that sickness years ago that I realized it would never happen. My hopes had been crushed, as had Prue's.

     Genevieve squeals to get my attention, and I turn to the beautiful girl, who is tugging on my shirt collar. She gives me a smile, showing me her three teeth.

     "What is it, my love?" I ask her, happy to know that she is going to have another sibling in a few months' time. Then, my heart drops as I realize that she won't ever know about her new sibling, because that would mean people would have to know about Prue and me.

     She points to her favorite doll, which is laying in her crib. I chuckle, and pick her up in my arms as I make my way to her crib. Bending down, I grab the doll and hand it to her. She immediately snatches it from my hand and hugs it tightly, causing me to laugh.

     "My sweet little girl," I chuckle, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "I wish our lives could be different, you know?" She's preoccupied with her doll, but I keep talking. I need someone to talk to, and my daughter is the best person for me right now. "You're to have another sibling in a few months, I only wish that you'll be able to know about him or her. If you do ever find out, I hope you'll understand why you don't share the same mother. Although, the mother of your unborn sibling has taken care of you quite a few times."

     I sigh as I think of Prue. She seemed so happy when we found out, but I wonder if she's had time to think about what all of this means. If anyone were to find out that the child is mine, my child will be branded as illegitimate, as a bastard. I can't let that happen to the baby, he or she will have to endure a life full of shame and suffering if that were the case. But I can't just pretend that the baby isn't mine, I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I have a child that I can't ever be with.

     If only this had happened sooner, before I was forced into a marriage with Tadia. Prue and I would have been able to marry if we had a child together before I was wed to Tadia. I can't say that I regret not impregnating Prue sooner, though. As much as I can't stand Tadia, she gave me Genevieve and Penelope. For that, I'm thankful. I just need to find a way to finally be with Prue so I can take care of her and our baby.

     "You know, little one," I poke Genevieve's stomach, causing her to giggle. "Your mother wants a son in order for me to have an heir to replace me as the King. Between you and me, though, when I become the King, I'll make it so that you will be my successor. I don't need a son to take my place, you'll do perfectly fine."

     She laughs at this statement as though she actually understands what I'm talking about. I realize how silly I sound, talking to my one-year-old daughter about how she'd take my place as Ruler when I'm gone. That's not going to be for decades, I don't even know why I thought of it in the first place.

     "I have to get going now, my love," I say to her, sighing. "Your Grandfather will have my head if I don't attend the meeting today. Hopefully, he's in a good mood today."

     Genevieve makes a sour face, and I laugh. I give her a sweet kiss on her cheek, and gently place her down in her crib. I gasp when she starts screaming.

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