Chapter one: April's back!

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Chapter one:

(Before this all started)

"I'm with the skater boy, I said see u later boy, I'll be backstage after the show." I punched my alarm clock until it turned off. Or broke. Whichever one. I groaned and rolled off my bed (ow) to start getting ready for school.

Now, I know what your thinking. And no. I'm not a stuck up, snotty, rich brat that your probably thinking I am. Nope. I'm more of that bad-girl rebel, the one that will never be "popular popular" but will be popular. Ya know?

I pulled on my "I've got attitude and I'm not afraid at use it" shirt, and a pair of black pants. I gabbed a bagel from downstairs and grabbed my phone to text Mikito.

"Hey. You up?"

"I wasn't. But am now. Why?"

"Just wondering."

"Hey, you heard from April yet?"


"Where could that girl be? It's not like she has THAT interesting of a life."

"Says the girl who's a teen popstar."

"Yea, yea, yea. But at least I answer your calls."

"You think she's avoiding us?"

"No. Well, maybe. What could we have done?!"

"Don't you mean, what could YOU have done?"

"What's that supposed to mean!!?!"

"Uhh....... Nicky, your not exactly that nicest person."


"Never mind."

"Alrigh. And am I picking u up today?"

"Yep. Brother left, moms at work, and dads gone too."

"Alrigh. Pick ya up in a few."


I put down my phone and looked through my contacts. Casey, (just in case he or I need something. Mainly him through.) Fred, (My butler) Mikito, and April. Man, I haven't talked to that girl in forever. Where in the world could she be!?



After I had picked Mikito up, I drove to school. Fast. For one of two reason.

A. Mikito hates it if I drive fast


B. If I was late for school again, I would be suspended.

Once we were in front of the school, Mikito jumped off of my bike.

"Was that REALLY necessary?!" I nodded.

"Yes. Yes it was. Now, if we don't hurry up, we're gonna be late for history." We ran into the building. And into someone else as well.

"Oh, I'm SOOO sorry I didn't see where I was going!" I rubbed my head and looked up. My eyes widened in shock.

"April?! You back!!!"

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