RaphieXNicky one shot

262 19 10

Raphs Pov:

I'll admit it.

I love her.

Her black hair.

The way it turns red when she's mad.

Her blue eyes.

The way they look like mine when she's yelling at him.

Her brains.

Her leadership.

Her playful side.

Her hotheaded side; that's my favorite side.

She's graceful...

Whether she's pounding PDs....

Or dancing on TV. 

She's perfect.

Whether she's singing,


Or just woken up.

She's wonderful.

But she's with him.

My perfect brother. 

Fearless leader who doesn't understand her

Always screaming at her.

I love her

She's perfect.

But she's with him.

And I'm all alone.


Nickys Pov:


You got me.

I'll admit it. 

I love him.

The tough guy.

The way his neon-green eyes shine. 

How they look like mine when I'm mad.

His red hair when he's human.

His ever-so famous smirk.

I love him

What is there not to love?

I love him

But I'm with him.

His perfect brother. 

Fearless leader

Always yelling at me.

Never understands me.

Or him.

I love him

But I'm with him

and he's all alone.

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