Chapter ten: Stuff i somehow know, but dont know how i know

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Chapter ten:


Let's recap what happened shall we?

I got into a fight with Casey (tell me you didn't see that coming).

He left.

Then I go downstairs cause Casey was yelling at someone, and when he warned me not to, I did, and I saw my dear friend Karai again.

Karai knocked me out with a dart.

Yea, really interesting night don't ya think?

And it only got better.



"Get up ya worthless freak!" I woke up to someone kicking me in the back. I growled and turned around to see who it was. It was really hard cause my hands were tied up but That's not the point.

The mutant who so kindly kicked me was some sort of dog....thing. A mutant dog really......really ugly too. Apparently the dog used to be Chris Bradford and now he was, as Mikey called him, Dogpound.

Wait, how do I know all that?

"Hypocrite." I shot back. He growled at me.

"Watch it girly before I rip ya to pieces!" He threatened. I snorted.

"Love to see ya try." Dogpound (seriously HOW DO I KNOW HIS NAME!!!?!?) raised his giant fist and was about to bring it down when the oh-so-lovely Karai stopped him.

"Stop! Father needs her alive." I raised an eyebrow. Father? And here I was thinking the girl was evil cause she had no family. Then again, her father is Shredder.

Wait. Who's Shredder?




"Fine. But after we find out what's wrong with her, I want to get rid of her myself." I rolled my eyes, as two foot soldiers came and picked me up, and started walking behind Karai.

And before you ask, I know they're foot soldiers cause they have a red foot in the middle of their foreheads. Just sayin!

I was led (more like dragged) into a room with a very dark looking throne in the......I guess front of the room.

And on said throne, was Shredder himself.

I really need to find out how I know this stuff.

The Foot ninjas holding me carried me all the way to the front of the room and dropped me on the ground in front of the staircase that led to Shredders throne.

"So this is the famous Nicole Jones.." I cringed.

"Uh.....yea, Shredder is it? I prefer Nicky." Karai looked like she was gonna run me through with her sword thingy, but Shredder held up his hand.

"Stand down Karai."

"But father..."

"I said STAND DOWN!" Karai glared at me walked to the end of the staircase in front of the throne and sulked. I smirked.

"Nicky.......Hm......suitable for a ninja...." I frowned and looked back up at Shredder.

"Ninja?!" Shredder nodded.

"Of course! Didn't my daughter tell you why I had you mutated?" Part of me was screaming not to trust this guy. But another part of me was curious. Well, curiosity killed the cat!

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