All My Love (A TMNT one shot)

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Dearest Nicky,

How do I start this?

By telling you I'm sorry?

Sorry that I let you die?

Sorry that I couldn't do anything to prevent it?

Or by saying that I love you?

The way you laughed. 

The way you threatened someone; no matter who it was.

I even loved you when you got mad; whether you were mad at me, Raph, or Casey.

Doesn't matter anyway.  Nothing does.

Your dead and I'm alive. It should be the other way around; or both of us dead.

Donnie said you gave your life to keep me alive.


Why did you do it?

Why couldn't you let me be dead  so we could be together?


I can hear you now you know. Yelling at me. Saying that it's not my fault.

But it is. It is my fault.

Mikey's been knocking on my door, trying to convince me otherwise. I told him it is and to go away.

Is there anyway you can come back? Back to bring light into my life? Back to make me happy? Back so I won't cry tears of sadness, but insead tears of joy?

Please come back Nicky.

Send a sign, something.  Something so it'll hurt a lot less.

It hurts Nicky.

It hurts so damm much.

Why does it hurt?

Cause I love you.

I love you Nicky.

Which is why I'm writing these.

All my love-

Leo ♥

(A/N I cried too. You are not alone)

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