Chapter four: Favorite songs + Lunch

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Chapter four:


I was waiting patiently......................

Okay, you got me. I'm not really good at the "being patient thing". It's a Jones thing.

Away, I was waiting for April and Mikito in front of the school, playing my guitar. Because I'm the nice person that I am (lol NOT), and I hated the lunch food, every day I would buy them lunch. One, cause I'm rich, two, cause I can.

I put down my guitar and pulled out my phone to text April.

"Yo Apes."

"What? And don't call me that!"

"Would you prefer Red?"


"Didn't think so."

"What do u want?"

"Wondering when ur class ends."


"Good. I'm hungry."

"Hey, can Leo and his bros come?"

I sighed.

"If they must."

"Thanx, I'll tell Leo."

"Don't forget Donnie-boy."

"Shut up."



I chuckled. April was a good friend (you know, when she doesn't disappear off the face of the fuckin' planet). She was funny too. Well, sometimes anyway.

"Should I invite Casey?" I groaned.

"Do u have too?"

"Yes 😠 he's ur brother!"




I smirked just as Mikito walked out.

"What'ca smirking about?" I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" She shook her head.

"No, I probably don't." I smirked again. I just love smirking.

"So, where are we going for lunch?" I shrugged.

"Aprils pick." I replied. She nodded and waited for April. Meanwhile, I thought about April's new friends.

The Raph kid could easy become toughest kid in school. Easily. However, he also seemed like the guy that Mona would fawn over, dump, causing him to mad with the rest of the school, and probably get in a lot of trouble to earn her back. Then again, that's just what I think.

As for Donnie-boy......well, from what April said about him, I'm guessing he's gonna become the smartest kid in school. No problem. He doesn't like fights and would like it better if he wasn't noticed. I think.

Mikey. He's a lot like Mikito. Wild, energetic (yes, I can use big words. I'm not a moron like half of the planet is.), and loves to party. Class Clown right off the bat.

Leo. As cute and adorable as he is (you tell him I said that and you will die of embarrassment) he seems like the goody two-shoes type guy. Then again, he has blue hair so....

"Hey April!"

"Hey Mikito! Hey Nicky!" Mikey ran up to me.

"Do you have a pen yet?!" I shrugged and looked inside my pockets of my leather jacket, which I had found in my locker.

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